Doctors prescribe it as a topical treatment for various conditions, including warts and basal cell carcinoma , which is a type of skin cancer. Imiquimod treatment can make psoriasis worse in adults that already have the condition. It can also lead to drug-related psoriasis in children. Some research suggests that psoriasis induced by topical imiquimod may go away with conventional psoriasis treatment.
Learn how to remove warts from fingers here. Interferons treat a range of health disorders, including hepatitis C , multiple sclerosis MS , and some cancers. Some interferons, including interferon-alpha, interferon-beta, and interferon-gamma, have links to causing psoriasis.
Interferon-alpha is a treatment for hepatitis C and may cause psoriasis. It can also make symptoms of psoriasis worse for individuals who already have the condition. Interferon-beta is a treatment for MS. It can also cause psoriasis and worsen the symptoms in people who already have the condition.
Learn about other side effects of interferons here. Terbinafine is a synthetic antifungal agent. Doctors can prescribe this medication to treat various fungal infections, including:. Terbinafine can cause or worsen the symptoms of a number of types of psoriasis, including plaque psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, and inverse psoriasis. A person may wish to stop taking terbinafine and apply topical treatments to treat their psoriasis. Always talk with a doctor before stopping any medications. Learn more about antifungal drugs here.
Angiotensin converting enzyme ACE inhibitors is a medication that doctors prescribe to treat high blood pressure , or hypertension, and other cardiovascular conditions.
They can also help protect kidneys in people who have diabetes but do not have hypertension. Some case reports suggest that ACE inhibitors could cause psoriasis. However, there are no current studies that confirm this. Due to the little research available, there is not a defined treatment plan for people with ACE inhibitor-induced psoriasis. Learn more about diabetes and hypertension here. Tumor necrosis factor TNF targeted therapies, also known as TNF inhibitors, can treat various inflammatory conditions.
TNF makes up a part of the inflammatory response, so suppressing this helps block certain inflammations from happening. However, despite doctors sometimes using TNF inhibitors to treat psoriasis, these drugs can also cause psoriasis or worsen existing symptoms. However, if a person experiences severe psoriasis symptoms, they may need to switch to a different anti-TNF agent or a biologic drug to help ease the symptoms of psoriasis.
Biologics are a class of TNF inhibitors. Learn more about tumor necrosis factor here. Sometimes , doctors prescribe biologics to treat psoriasis, including psoriatic arthritis. However, some research has suggested that biologics can trigger psoriasis or worsen the symptoms in individuals who already have the condition.
One case series looked at 10 people who either had new-onset or worsening psoriasis during biologic therapy. Of the 10 people, seven developed psoriasis during therapy, and three saw their symptoms worsen during therapy. Two people discontinued their biologic therapy and saw their psoriasis symptoms clear up. However, six participants did not stop their biologic treatment and saw an improvement in psoriasis symptoms after treatment with topical steroids.
Learn more about what biologics can treat psoriatic arthritis here. Diagnosis of drug-induced psoriasis can be challenging when patients are on multiple medications. The onset of psoriatic symptoms can be months or years after the drug has been started. Careful patient history is essential in any patient that presents with new-onset psoriasis and must include their current medications. The possibility of other triggers for psoriasis, apart from drugs, should also be taken into consideration.
The standard of care in the case of drug-induced psoriasis is to discontinue the offending drug. However, this is not always possible; for example, in a patient with severe depression that is well controlled by lithium where other options have been ineffective or contraindicated. While some cases of drug-induced psoriasis can resolve within weeks of stopping the causative medicine, in other cases, it can take much longer to resolve or not resolve completely.
See smartphone apps to check your skin. Books about skin diseases Books about the skin Dermatology Made Easy book. DermNet NZ does not provide an online consultation service. If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a dermatologist for advice.
Drug-induced psoriasis — codes and concepts open. Psoriasis due to drug eruption, Psoriasis due to adverse drug reaction, Medication-related psoriasis, Drug-aggravated psoriasis. Reaction to external agent, Scaly disorder. Drugs implicated in triggering psoriasis, Risk factors for developing drug-induced psoriasis, Clinical features of drug-induced psoriasis, Treatment of drug-induced psoriasis, Outcome of drug-induced psoriasis.
Y, EA Here are some of the drugs that might be in your medicine cabinet which are known to trigger psoriasis flares :. Many people with psoriasis can tolerate these medications, but some patients experience negative reactions.
By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Health Topics. Health Tools. Reviewed: September 14, Medically Reviewed. Common Culprits Here are some of the drugs that might be in your medicine cabinet which are known to trigger psoriasis flares : Psychiatric Drugs Lithium , a treatment commonly used to help bipolar disorder and depression, can worsen psoriasis in about half of the people who use it.
Other medicines taken to treat anxiety , sleep issues, and panic disorders may also affect your skin.