Showing 1 - 15 of 19 comments. Originally posted by DarkWolf :. Last edited by Devious Dan ; 2 Sep pm. People think sniping in hunt is super advantagious easy mode like in other fps games where its a 1 hit kill.
Generally i find 2 types of snipers in hunt. Scrubs who arent as good as they think and 2. The very skilled players who more often than not have been playing a long time. I sometimes bring a sniper rifle depending on my teams loadout. When i do its usually a sparks.
If i dont get the headshot ill at least force the player to use healing items. I think sniping is ok providing your used to the base gun and know its strengths, weaknesses and bullet speed. Originally posted by GRU-Vy :. Yeah my experience with snipers on my team has been pretty bad they usually just stand back and don't push so you will most likely find yourself alone in battles. He is the best hero for killing pretty much any other hero, only Widowmaker is much of a match.
Firing a shot has massive recoil. Making the shooter lose sight and have to realign to fire a second shot if first shot was non-fatal. Not in Overwatch. The sight barely moves. You can then proceed to take pot-shots and be rewarded. Also, in 3 seconds a decent Sniper can stuff a push and forces players to play Shield tanks. If the Snipers had these weakness that are prevalent in other games, then they would be more balanced.
What do you want me to do? Sure snipers are annoying but tbh snipers are the bottom of my list of problems with mb2. Fix flinch, change saberists, change force powers like push spam or lightning.
Jediknight Fou. Well if we had respawn i wouldnt care about them that much. But in a game like this where most classes are 1 live classes, its just wrong. Snipers should have less hp and armor, maybe it should be its own class, because with all the hero and bh skills they really to op.
Crusader Internal Beta Team. I think it is time you stop listening to players on open if that has led you to the belief that using a sniper does not require skill. There is not really much of a problem with snipers in the game.
What is more likely the case is that the people who complain about snipers are the same people trying to out-aim a highly accurate fast projectile down a long and narrow corridor.
These will be the same people who run through the centre of the door rather than waiting at the side of it and peaking in 3p. These will also be the same people who run in a straight line in an open area rather than taking a tortuous path.
These are the same people who will go main when there are fifty snipers rather than taking side routes where the distance between the sniper and you is much shorter, and cover is more plentiful.
Posts 54 Likes What makes you think people 'hate' snipers? I'm guessing your quotes are directly from ingame chat, which you shouldn't take at face value. Some people give troll opinions, some just can't handle the frustration of beeing killed and blame it on anything and some might give their real opinion, but without enough context it's not worth much. In a game with so many gameplay features as MB2 it's just natural that people have different opinions based on their unique experience with the game especially in open mode with more than 12 players.
What i'd like to see less in the forum is when people make small changes look like its the end of the world, basically the other side of the spectrum from your experience. I did open a feedback thread about changing sniping if you are interested tho which would be a sniping nerf in open mode but also could make offensive sniping stronger than pop-up sniping : Revamping the way of sniping edit: didn't notice that you already posted there, so maybe i need to go on record and say: "No, i don't hate snipers".
Last edited: Jan 20, Yes its Its much harder to shine as a soldier without being a nade whore in all honesty CB Lyrion said:. Click to expand Which I cannot. Just be glad you don't have to deal with sniper rifles that can do this in your serious soldier games:. One round in the mag. One Cloudstrike in Coolguy's hands.
One round ended! Tyler: Sniper vs sniper battles are a lot of fun. You develop a rapport with the little rival dancing around in your scope, whizzing bullets past your head. Love it. The two of you get to have your own little game within the game, which doesn't matter to anyone else.
Fraser: There's undeniably something seductive about putting bullets in skulls while you're safely tucked away in your hiding spot. When things are going well, you can feel like a god of the battlefield. But it's also kinda boring, just sitting there, biding your time, waiting for some clueless soldier to wander into your crosshairs. Maybe I just can't sit still. And I don't want anyone to think I'm a coward which, to be fair, I am.
Tyler: I like the waiting. It's like fishing, which is also mainly waiting. Why is fishing enjoyable? I'm not really sure, but it is. I don't do it, though, because I don't want to hurt any fish. Morgan: Also good is the 'David vs Goliath' scenario where I manage to counter-snipe a sniper by pecking away at them with long SMG or pistol shots. Imagining their reaction after being killed at range by a non-sniper is life-affirming. Tyler: In Action Quake 2, you could headshot people from across the map with the handgun.
That's basically all I tried to do. In regular Quake 2, I only wanted to use the railgun. Putting the range part of sniping aside for a moment, one-hit-kills are just fun, even when everyone's doing them, like in Unreal Tournament instagib matches, or in one of my favorite games, Ratz Instagib.
In other words, I don't think instagib is what's on trial here. It's always great. Jody: It's fun to snipe in singleplayer games like Sniper Elite. Shooting Nazi brains out in slow-mo rules. Tyler: Singleplayer sniping definitely isn't on trial, either. Sniper Elite 4 is great. Tyler: Fair.
I wonder what the Recon class will be like in this year's new Battlefield. Jody: For me, only in co-op games. When I hear a blightstormer chanting in Vermintide 2 and then snap off a crossbow headshot the moment it teleports in, before it has a chance to summon a storm and whip up half my teammates: That's a good feeling. Jorge: I like games that limit the number of classes you can be on each side of the conflict. Tyler: Then do I ever have the games for you. The Red Orchestra and Rising Storm games limit class selections.
You get one-shotted a lot anyway, but not just from snipers—unscoped rifles, machine guns, artillery shells, and lots of other things can kill you instantly. Drawing fire is part of the experience, and the attack-and-defend maps keep one role from dominating too much.
Snipers never stopped a player charge. The key, I think, is that the games are about team success more than individual success.
Morgan: In a sim-y FPS, imbalance is supposed to be part of the fun. Tanks in Red Orchestra are all-powerful gods and snipers are elusive assassins that you'll never see coming. It is kinda interesting to face the unfair reality of it all, but snipers are a big reason I ultimately put those games down.