Schedule Appointment. Tickets and Fines must be paid to or disputed with the Clerk of Courts office in the county where the ticket or fine was issued. Driving and Education Courses may be required for clearances. Out of State Tickets could prevent you from obtaining a driver license in the state of Florida. All 50 states and Washington DC have official websites with motor vehicle information for consumers.
List of Other State Websites. Child Support Delinquencies could result in a driver license suspension. The suspension must be cleared with Department of Revenue. They will electronically update the driver license database. The Department will then notify you to provide proof of new coverage. If you then fail to provide proof of insurance, your driver license and license plate s will be suspended for up to three years. You must maintain insurance coverage throughout the vehicle registration period.
Also, if your driver license and license plate s have been under suspensionn for 30 days or more for a no-fault insurance violation, a police officer can seize your license plate immediately. You will be issued a Florida Insurance I. Card from your insurance company. You must have this card ready to show to any police officer to prove that you have the required insurance. If not, you may receive a ticket for not having proof of insurance.
If your driver license or license plate s are suspended for not obeying either of these laws, you cannot get a temporary license for any reason, not even for work purposes only. Any person who makes a false statement or commits forgery about their motor vehicle insurance can be guilty of a second degree misdemeanor. The department will always provide you with an opportunity to prove insurance coverage or be heard before being suspended.
Remember: Automobile insurance is an important part of your driving privilege. Protect yourself and others by having and keeping the proper insurance coverage. NOTE: A driver convicted of leaving the scene of a crash involving death or personal injury will have his or her license revoked.
The driver is also subject to criminal penalties. If, while driving, you hit a vehicle with no one in it or if you damage any object that belongs to someone else, you must tell the owner. Give the owner your name, address, and license plate number in person or in a note attached to the object that was hit.
Report the crash immediately to the proper law enforcement agency. Drivers are responsible for any littering from their vehicles. Use ashtrays for cigarettes and litter bags for trash while riding in motor vehicles. Empty ash trays and litter bags only into trash cans. It is against the law to damage the roads by driving on the rim of a flat tire or by any other means. You cannot get a license in Florida under the following conditions: If your license is suspended or revoked in any state.
If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol. If you cannot drive safely because of mental or physical problems. Deafness alone will not prevent a person from being issued a driver license. If you are under the legal age for licensing 15 for Learners license, 16 for Class D or E. When your license is suspended, it is temporarily taken away. Are not able to drive safely. Allow your license to be used for a purpose that is against the law. Are convicted in a traffic court and the court orders that your license be suspended.
Refuse to take a test to show if you are driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Misuse a restricted license. Earn a certain number of points for traffic offenses on the point system. Break a traffic law and fail to pay your fine or appear in court as directed. Your license must be REVOKED if you are found guilty of, or department records show: Driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances.
A felony in which a motor vehicle is used. Not stopping to give help when the vehicle you are driving is involved in a crash causing death or personal injury. Lying about the ownership or operation of motor vehicles. Three cases of reckless driving within one year. Forfeiting bail and not going to court to avoid being convicted of reckless driving counts the same as a conviction.
An immoral act in which a motor vehicle was used. Three major offenses or 15 offenses for which you receive points within a 5-year period. A felony for drug possession. Vision worse than the standard minimum requirements. A court may also order that your license be revoked for certain other traffic offenses.
Florida state statutes give drivers an opportunity to earn back some of their driving privileges after a suspension. Getting your license reinstated is one of the options. Unlike a hardship license, reinstatement will give you back full driving privileges.
All reinstatement requirements applicable to your situation will be listed in detail on your Notice of Suspension letter. You can also contact your local Florida drivers license center to learn about the steps you must take to get your Florida drivers license reinstated.
Below is the general steps that need to be taken to get your Florida drivers license reinstated. Reinstatement occurs after the suspension period is complete. The conditions are different from one case to the next. There you have it! What it means is you need to take some additional education, identify the skills you need to work on and then slowly work your way back to driving like normal. Customer Support. Log In. Select State. In-Car Driving Lessons. Traffic School. Practice Permit Test.
DMV Information. How to Get Your Florida Drivers License Reinstated Florida state statutes give drivers an opportunity to earn back some of their driving privileges after a suspension.
Step 1. Wait Out the Suspension Reinstatement occurs after the suspension period is complete. Step 2. Step 3.