Session 1: Making and implementing standards: Bridging the standardization gap This session will provide an overview of how developing countries could participate more effectively in the ITU-T standardization process and benefit from it.
Moderator : Dr. The main objective for this session will be to discuss the challenges faced by digital financial service providers in the region when offering such services, and to discuss how the Focus Group on Digital Financial Services can help address some of these challenges. Session 6: Training on setting up a National Standardization Secretariat for ITU-T Participation by national governments, industry members, technical experts and policy leaders in the work of ITU on global telecommunication standardization requires appropriate resources and a practical organizational and management structure within their country to effectively use those resources.
This course describes the functions, benefits and means to establish such national-level processes and organizations, referred to as a National Standardization Secretariat NSS. Benefits of having an NSS include increased effectiveness in shaping global telecommunication standards, coordinated advocacy of national interests and avoidance of conflicting positions across multiple groups inside and outside the ITU, improved dissemination of information exchanged with the ITU-T and increased efficiency in the use of limited human and financial resources.
This course shows how a developing country can establish a National Standardization Secretariat to achieve these benefits while starting at a very basic level requiring few new resources. Estimates of resource requirements for people and travel are provided, and the course concludes with a step-by-step roadmap to establish an NSS. Learning objectives : By the end of the workshop on Establishment of a National Standardization Secretariat for ITU-T NSS , the Member State representatives will understand the basic elements of an NSS, enabled through new or existing legislation, and how it can be established, managed and supported for international and related national preparatory activities.
Show full item record. Folk music, which has an important place in the science of Folklore, represent differents considerations, If we take our Folk music and its richness into consideration we will soon notice how difficult it is to make a research in music and in all refions of the country and how long it usually takes.
Every part of the country has got its own specialities, so it is necessory to examine mem in their original places and only then a better and healthier knowledge can be obtained about the music of that region.
While doing mis research, we have tried to analyze only Malatya central distric, as it will make it easier for us. On the other hand, since I was born in Malatya, I happen to have the chance to Know the area closely, Since our folk music is very rich, we cannot say written documentary sourcess have always been confirmed with a serious and more regular research.
Though there are a lot of written materials, it cannot be considered that these works are always systematic and academic. This is the reason why we have chosen this subject and why we have been led to make this research. Another reason is, aur wish to give information knowledge. On the music of the reguion by analyzing the works and by using deduction system. While analyzing the regidnal music closely, we believe it is useful to mention the way we think to follow.
Firstly, we will study the works considering their lyrics, melody, rhytm and use our own terminology while doing this. Our terminology used in this study will be like this. Chapter : We will mean the chapters in the melody if there are any. Complete full music sentence : A whole which consirts of questions and answers. Small music sentence : Expressions which make a whole sentence. The figures written below ewpress the amount of measures; if the ewpressions are the same, we showed them as "smilar sentences" if there are similarities, we used the ewpressions of "similar" or "twins sentences" and symbolized them as, "a" or "b".
While doing these, we hove also done a lot of library research and later examined the whole repertoire with the related authorities of the subject. It has been attracted to many publicity channels, especially social media, and has been featured in many printed and visual publications.
With additional awards and winner awards total of 63 awards were given to participants. Sevim talked about Kalman Filter's Theory and Practices, which has application in all areas of engineering, especially aerospace and space vehicle navigation and control in the workshop. At the same time, the innovative category contestants found the opportunity to exhibit their robots in the media and received great interest by visiting with academicians.
Approximately students from 90 universities and high schools participated as competitors and seminars, interviews and panels were realized with the participation of over 10, visitors. A total of 30 projects were awarded. ITURO , was held with participation of around 90 universities and high schools and more than It aroused interest in many promotion mediums especially in social media and ITURO also appeared in visual and written media with many news.
ITURO has been realized with participation of 90 high schools and universities; and more than ITURO has found a considerable place in written and visual media.
The innovative category participants had a great chance to show and present their projects in visual media. As it always had been, panel discussions, interviews and seminars has been a great part of ITURO ITURO crew organized a boat tour in Bosphorus and this tour attracted the interest of almost all competitors. After the closing ceremony of ITURO , in the last day of organization, the competitors have been transported to Taksim and ITURO ended with the closing dinner which was organized for competitors.