How do terminators travel through time

The series ends as John Connor travels forward in time to the point where Skynet has taken over the planet, only to discover that his journey has somehow altered the timeline to the effect that he is no longer the leader of the human resistance. What happens: Following the events of Terminator 2 , the emergence of Skynet has been postponed but not, it seems, cancelled.

In , John Connor has been living for some years in secret following the death of his mother, Sarah, at some undisclosed point in the last decade; nonetheless, he comes under attack from another time-traveling evil robot sent to kill members of the future human resistance, including his own future wife, Kate Brewster. Although they manage to stay alive, Connor and Brewster cannot prevent the rise of Skynet, which fires nuclear missiles across the world, creating the robotic despot future central to the franchise.

This turns out not to be the case, with Marcus, the cyborg in question, actually a sleeper agent intended to kill Connor during a sting operation having lured him into a false sense of security; learning of his fate, Marcus turns on Skynet, and ultimately sacrifices himself so that Connor can live. What happens: In , John Connor sends Kyle Reese back in time to protect his mother and ensure his birth, as seen in the original Terminator movie. He was born from a time paradox that looped future and past together, but ultimately the prevention of Skynet in T2 may have sealed his fate.

With several Ts sent out into the world at the beginning of Terminator: Dark Fate , John Connor eventually dies in , meaning he never lives to see in any shape or form. With Legion conquering humanity in a new and horrifying way, Grace Harper is our new time traveling messenger, and Dani Ramos is the new savior of humanity. CinemaBlend's James Bond expert. He fights for The User. Mike Reyes. Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News.

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. Active 6 months ago. Viewed 6k times. The most upvoted answer states: The point is that time travel movies, by their very nature, have plot holes like this related to time-travel paradoxes.

Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Related: Nude time travel in Terminator Universe. By the by, if you include the comics, the Robocop vs. Terminator comic also includes the idea that time changes in waves slower than the speed of light, giving the computers a chance to adjust their tactics as they perceive changes happening further away.

Very well, thank you! Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. I was having a conversation about this today, how cool is that? Improve this answer. Sophy Swicz Sophy Swicz 3 3 bronze badges. Dronz Dronz 4, 21 21 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges. Here is how the time-travel works: Whenever someone goes back in time, they go to a copy of the original timeline.

John Connor John Connor 70 5 5 bronze badges. This isn't the case in Genisys, either. Valorum Elaborate. What is not the case in Genisys? According to a Hollywood myth, the original Terminator came to James Cameron in a dream. By that I mean, Cameron once said he came down with a fever in the 80s and imagined a killer chrome skeleton-bot. But as for the plot about a time-traveling soldier from the future on a mission to kill a foe in the present? He stole that—yep, stole in the legal sense —from an old episode of The Outer Limits written by sci-fi god-among-men Harlan Ellison.

But in the process of creating that amalgam of new and borrowed, he set in motion one of the most elaborate, ostensibly continuous, time-travel plots in the history of the movies. It's supposed to be so simple: Sarah Connor will give birth to the chosen one who can fight the machines, but the machine-man from the future will stop at nothing to carry out the world's most invasive, pre-pregnancy abortion to prevent that from happening.

Sadly, the series can only continue if the premise keeps adding complications. For instance, the second film added a wrinkle to the closed-loop conceit of the first by informing us that despite the Connor baby successfully being born, spare robot parts left in the present ensured that Judgment Day, the first shot of the robot war, still happened.

T2, in turn, went to great lengths to quash Judgment Day's eventuality once-and-for-all. But the thing about "once-and-for-all" is that T3 is a profitable idea, so screenwriters futzed around with time, and Skynet miraculously came online once again.

To understand how all this time-travel jiggery-pokery works, I called Caltech theoretical physicist, author, and science consultant on Terminator: Genisys Sean Carroll.

He helped me get the Terminator cinematic universe back into focus, since I tend to lose track of how it all works after the part where lightning strikes Arnold's bare ass. VICE: As a scientist, how's the science in this movie franchise just generally? Sean Carroll: There's no question that it's a horrible mess, really, which is very, very common in time travel movies. I think it's very very rare for a time travel movie to work hard to keep everything consistent and sensible. The movie will plod along in whatever way the writers want to get from point A to point B and messing with timelines is definitely a way to do that.

Let's start with the first film: The Terminator. The guy who goes back in time has sex with the mother of the guy who sent him back in time, and turns out to be his father.

Does that make sense? There's nothing illogical about a chain of events that leads to itself. The only illogical thing is when there's a chain of events that prevents the initial event from ever happening?

That would be bad. And does that happen in the series? It does in subtle ways. It's very clear from the very premise of the first movie that at least Skynet and the resistance in the future think it's possible to change the past. Skynet lives in a world where John Connor exists, and they want to prevent him from existing. So we certainly are operating under the impression that timelines can be changed. Is that a fatal flaw? It's not necessarily flawed by itself. A layer that you can try to add to this is, "Can we imagine a set of timelines that are different from each other, and yet the whole shebang is consistent?

Then you can imagine there's a timeline where John Connor was killed, and one where he was not, and they're sort of separate from each other.

So to understand multiple timelines, we have to get into the weeds of quantum mechanics for a second. Can you explain that briefly?


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