New Talents and Talent Changes Arcane Focus will now return mana for each spell that fails to hit your target, including Arcane Missiles that fail to launch. We want Arcane mages to have several talents that play off of how much mana the character has and give the player enough tools to manage mana. The talent Playing with Fire will reduce the cooldown of Blast Wave when hit by a melee attack, instead of its current effect.
Pyromaniac will grant Haste when three or more targets are getting damaged by the effects of your damage-over-time DoT fire spells. The Burnout talent will allow mages to cast spells using health when they run out of mana.
If they begin to get low on mana, they will likely want to use an ability or mechanic to bring their mana up to increase their damage. Ignite : All direct-damage fire spells will add a damage-over-time DoT component when cast. The flavor will be similar to how Fireball works; however, the DoT component will be much stronger. Deathfrost : Casting Frostbolt places a buff on the mage that increases the damage for all frost, fire, and arcane spells.
The only damage spell that won't be affected by this buff is Frostbolt. Please keep in mind that this information represents a work in progress and is subject to change as development on Cataclysm continues. Flame Orb is not channeled. It may have a cast time, but after that is fire and forget.
Giving it a target to follow makes it feel more like a fancy dot — useful perhaps, but nothing that feels really new. Wall of Fog is not channeled. We like the basic gameplay of Hot Streak.
We may lower the magnitude overall for the same reason. On Arcane Missiles, the basic spell is pretty cool. The problem is the way the spell works makes the current design hard to balance. It was Friday morning already and Jason's whole week had been occupied with reading, practicing the Heaven's Hell technique, and sparring with Greg, while most of his time had been devoted to the reading section. Attending the morning classes was extremely helpful as many questions tormented his mind, but Mr.
Greil answered them easily, helping him a lot. Other than that, Jason's mana core surprisingly reached almost the required mana to break through the Adept rank barrier which was a few days faster than expected, but it would be quite helpful to break through into the Adept rank before Artemis completed her evolution.
Breaking through into new mana core levels and ranks would enhance Jason's body overall and his soul would also receive a small enhancement. Background default yellow dark. Font Nunito Sans Merriweather. Paragraph comments. The total score 0. Originally posted by Cancerous Camel :. Multifaced You could be right, and the modders were trying to achieve fairness in some way. Then again, regardless of who has a more optimal start, players should know going into the game they are taking a chance based on their specs.
And that some specs are more risky than others. It's pretty tough, guess it depends on perspective. Iguana-on-a-stick I think it's interesting you mention game speed, and how elemental masteries were considered weak in the past. I can see how that could have mandated a change like this. And it also might help put so many of the other seemingly bizarre changes into context.
I'll have to take another look while thinking about what you've said. I'm still skeptical, though. And rightly so, because I just don't have enough hands-on experience yet to judge for myself. I need to play more games. Thanks for your helpful replies.
Man, sorry for writing a damn novel. It's just a lot to explain. If games are decided so quickly, it's possible elemental masteries needed to be buffed. And maybe this was the right call. I don't have enough experience to know for myself. ROI was wrong term to use, my bad. In other words, only 4 turns to regain 60 mana, along with bonus 20 knowledge. If a player has early access to multiple mana nodes period , not just standard nodes like in base game , that player can consecutively transform - one after another - every single node, while gaining massive returns on mana and knowledge.
And unless I'm mistaken, knowledge isn't typically so plentiful in the early game. Again, maybe in the context of quickly-decided games, this is fair. I don't know. But it seems Triumph might have intended the spell to be a trade-off between elemental mastery vs adepts.
Not so bad. So it's not quite as consistent or effortless as adepts, but when one considers the knowledge bonus, and how the player is making a choice to access more powerful, specific spells, doesn't it balance out?
One might think the player is committing to a playstyle, i. Let's do a little experiment. But they can transform any standard nodes they find. Now, obviously every game won't be this perfect - it's just an average, which is the best we can do. But even if we change the numbers, i. Yes, the mastery will win out in research and mana income. And yes, that is working as intended.
Because the price the mastery pays is in time and opportunity cost. To CAST all those transformation spells, the player with the mastery has to pay mana and casting points. If he starts casting from turn one, and starts researching extra casting points quickly, that's probably some 10 turns worth of spellcasting. More realistically it would take longer, since the player also needs to find and colonise those nodes before they can be transformed, and he'll want to cast some other spells besides.
It's doubtful you'll find all those nodes before turn The master-player will earn the mana cost back eventually, and the extra research will be a boon either way. But mana is still a lot to pay up-front. So if we look at the situation in a typical game around turn Player 2 master will have cast several transformation spells and have a somewhat higher mana income and a somewhat higher research income.
Player 1 adept will instead have had the chance to cast more utility spells. Iron Grip or Mana Fuel Cells to boost city economy, several instances of Summon Hellhound to increase his expansion rate, combat spells like Skin of Oil and Stiffen Limbs to win critical battles. So the question is: how much of an advantage will those spells have given player 1?
He will have cleared more sites, picked up more treasures, maybe even founded more cities. But how many? This is impossible to quantify in an abstract way, since it depends on the map, on circumstance, on player skill. But my gut feeling is that those extra hellhounds or scouts or whatever player 1 used the mana for will very often snowball into a bigger advantage than spending casting points and mana on bolstering mana and research income. Oi, so I think we might have to agree to disagree for now lolol.
I think in the end, someone is gonna have to get their hands dirty, spam elemental mastery, and see if it can be abused. That's probably the only way anything would be changed at this point. Originally posted by Iguana-on-a-stick :. Last edited by Haste Berry Pie ; 23 Feb, pm. They are also the ones providing most of the input for the mod. The balance considerations come from 1v1 and 2v2 games on small and medium maps as I recall. You mention that you are a new player. My guess is that you probably play slow and build up a few cities, since that's how many people seem to approach this game, especially if they come from a Civilization background where they are punished for overexpanding early.
On a small or medium map 1v1 I already know if I've won or not by 20 turns or so and as playing with the people over at The Battlefield showed me, I'm actually quite slow compared to the better players. I never even get T3 units in most small games, and I hardly touch the research.
Lately I've been playing 2v2v2v2 on large maps, and those games are over in turns. While I'm not a top player, I've never considered the Alter Node spell to be overpowered. It's nice if I have access to it, but it's also nice to have the alignment specialisations, and as shown with that poll, Expander and Explorer were more popular than any other specialisations.
Elemental masteries were too weak compared to the other options, so a buff to Alter Node in the mod makes sense.