Grain is seldom sold at the standard moisture content soybean—13 percent, corn— Multiplying the weight of the wet grain by 0. For example: pounds of soybeans at 18 percent grain moisture would become pounds of grain at 13 percent moisture X 0. While the 56 pound per bushel test weight for corn is based on a moisture content of If grain is dryer than the standard, that same equation can be used to calculate the increased weight that should be credited to the seller, although that calculation is seldom made and the seller is not usually rewarded for the low moisture content.
This calculation works for any grade of any grain for which a standard moisture content is specified. Original author: Dr. Jim Beuerlein, Retired, Extension Agronomist. Originally published in CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, visit cfaesdiversity. For an accessible format of this publication, visit cfaes. Skip to main content. Agriculture and Natural Resources. Alexander J.
Table 1. When this happens, the starch molecules inside the grain are prevented from the natural process of shedding absorbed water molecules that allow the grain to shrink to a normal size.
Artificial drying with heat removes this excess water but the starch molecules do not shrink and grain size doesn't change appreciably, so test weight density remains low. Grain matures and dries naturally in the field but is sometimes rewetted by rainfall, dew, or fog causing the grain to initiate the germination process precocious germination before harvesting.
During germination, oil, starch, and protein are digested to provide energy and molecules to produce a new seedling. This process leaves small voids inside the grain. Although the grain may again dry in the field, the seed size does not change and the small voids inside the seed result in a decreased test weight. Maximum test weight is achieved when grain is harvested on the first dry-down and also at higher moisture. For example, the ideal harvest moisture for soybeans and corn is percent moisture and percent moisture respectively.
Ag Crops and Livestock. In Canada, the bushel is based on the British Imperial Avery bushel Winchester bushel Make sure you know which type of bushel is being used when making formal grain transactions. If you are selling your grain by contract to a company in the U. The difference between the 2 bushel weights could affect the end result of calculated tonnage. In Canada, the grain bushel weight is based on the British Imperial bushel and accounts for grain compaction.
In the U. The U. If all crops had the same test weight or grain density, then one bushel taken from any crop will weigh the same. However, this is not the case and one bushel of a high-density crop will weigh more than one bushel of a low-density crop. There is no single conversion factor, even for a specific grain.
If you are converting from bushels to tonnes, you should use the specific test weight of the grain rather than assuming that one tonne is equivalent to a single standard number of bushels of that grain.