Holy is very boring to me personally, but its good enough. Havent really touched it in 8. You seem hung up on our mobility. For keys, ive never had an issue with it, especially with Cavalier. I feel my biggest weakness more than anything else is not having anything like a DK grip.
But even that can be solved with LoS pulls or well timed avenger shield on casters. We could sit here all day analyzing what other classes are better at certain things, but pally is a great all arounder. If your looking to tank id suggest it. Lots of people will say its boring because its just rotating cooldowns but prot has a lot of group utility which i enjoy and it also can cheese mechanics which is something i really enjoy doing.
Double steed is usually more then enough to keep up with people in PvE. Paladin is rewarding to me. But, like their class fantasy, their transmog have a good cohesion to them much like warlocks and priests, I think.
Plate dps in general is in a mediocre spot this expansion. In this article: featured , guide , how-to-play-wow , new-to-world-of-warcraft , noob-guide , paladin , paladins , rookie-guide , should-i-play-a-paladin , world-of-warcraft-guide , world-of-warcraft-help , world-of-warcraft-noobs , world-of-warcraft-rookies , wow-guide , wow-help , wow-noob-guide , wow-noobs , wow-paladin , wow-paladins , wow-to-play-world-of-warcraft.
If you're just getting started with World of Warcraft , the range of class options available to you can be a bit daunting. Which class is the best? Which class is the most fun? Which class will you enjoy? There's no answer that's right for everyone -- and you may wind up trying a few classes before you find the perfect fit. But where to begin? Today's class run-down will cover paladins , WoW 's holy warriors.
As Blizzard puts it, paladins are called "to protect the weak, to bring justice to the unjust, and to vanquish evil from the darkest corners of the world. In fact, one of the interesting things about the paladin class is how different various paladins are : while alliance paladins very much fall along Blizzard's class description, the blood elf paladins, who style themselves Blood Knights, haven't always been particularly good guys.
But enough of that: what you want to know is how paladins play, so read on for more. Just what is a paladin? Paladins are a hybrid class that can heal holy specialization , tank protection specialization , or do melee DPS retribution specialization. They wear heavy plate armor and can equip shields, which makes them very durable -- even the healers, who can take more of a pounding than any other healing class.
It is important to know what your role is before getting into combat and acting accordingly to prevent unnecessary party deaths and disasters. As melee DPS, you'll use a a slow, hard-hitting two-hand weapon and will choose the Retribution specialization, to gain access to an array of hard-hitting abilities.
On multiple mobs, keep using [ Hammer of the Righteous ] and [ Divine Storm ] , using [ Judgment ] whenever Hammer of the Righteous is on cooldown, and [ Exorcism ] whenever available to prevent [ The Art of War ] procs going to waste.
For single target, prioritise keeping [ Exorcism ] on Cooldown, incase The Art of War procs, casting [ Crusader Strike ] and then [ Judgment ] in that order so that Crusader Strike comes off cooldown before, and not at the same time as, Judgment.
It also generate another holy power, making it your fourth ability that generates it. Make sure that your. If you or a player who isn't a tank is taking a beating, you have several abilities to help remedy this. Always be ready to cast [ Flash of Light ] , [ Word of Glory ] and [ Lay on Hands ] where the situation calls for it, as a Retribution heal's are buffed by [ Sword of Light ] making them very valuable.
When it comes to talents, [ Long Arm of the Law ] helps you move between mobs very quickly and easily, as Judgment is on a low cooldown and there are generally a lot of mobs spread over a wide area in group combat. Depending on the situation, you can also swap out for [ Speed of Light ] , for bosses such as the Iron Juggernaut in the Siege of Orgrimmar , where there is nothing to use Judgment on.
Next, taking [ Fist of Justice ] will allow you to interrupt non-boss mobs much more often, in the event that [ Rebuke ] is on cooldown. It can also help take some pressure off the Healers as less damage is being put out whilst a mob is stunned. Level 45 talents are all fairly useful, though [ Selfless Healer ] comes at the least penalty for the best benefit for a Retribution Paladin, as [ Eternal Flame ] costs Holy Power and [ Sacred Shield ] does not provide as big a benefit, especially when compared to the aforementioned [ Flash of Light ] alongside [ Sword of Light ] , and Selfless Healer's buff to healing on other targets.
At level 60, it is a choice between [ Clemency ] and [ Unbreakable Spirit ] , that decision should be left to the Paladin, his group and the encounter's needs. At level 75, [ Sanctified Wrath ] is generally the best choice for a Retribution Paladin, as [ Hammer of Wrath ] deals very high damage and also generates a Holy Power, so putting it on such a low cooldown can make the Paladin's DPS miles higher than without [ Avenging Wrath ] activated.
As a tank, you have the benefit of having more health than your allies as well as taking less damage, meaning you're much well suited for taking the brunt of the enemies head on. Make sure [ Righteous Fury ] is permanently active, and use [ Avenger's Shield ] , [ Consecration ] and [ Holy Wrath ] to get aggro on enemies. Using [ Crusader Strike ] and [ Judgment ] to build Holy Power, using [ Avenger's Shield ] whenever [ Grand Crusader ] procs, and spam [ Shield of the Righteous ] until you have 5 stacks of Bastion of Glory, at which point use [ Eternal Flame ] whenever you have some health missing.
Shield of the Righteous also reduces Physical damage taken, so use it whenever big damage is incoming. As a healer, remember to heal the tank. Since your mana pool will be small at lower levels, use [ Flash of Light ] instead of [ Holy Light ] whenever possible, since it's far more efficient. Only use [ Holy Light ] if the tank's health is dropping too fast for Flash to keep up. Make certain you continue to keep everyone buffed to the best of your ability.
Keep [ Devotion Aura ] up to help the tank out, unless you need an elemental resistance aura or [ Concentration Aura ] for your own heals. If you're low on mana after a fight and need to drink, tell people! Overeager tanks may charge on ahead if you don't ask for time.
Be sure to have a stack of water ready before going into a dungeon, though a mage can give you free drinks if you're grouped with one. Note that in anything below a level 80 heroic you do not need to specced for healing or tanking to perform those roles. You do, however, need appropriate gear. Points Shop Items Available. Publisher: Hi-Rez Studios.
Share Embed. Read Critic Reviews. Notice: Want to participate in the Paladins Public Test? Click here to install it now. Free to Play. Play Game. Add all DLC to Cart. View Community Hub. Paladins is set in a vibrant fantasy world and features a diverse cast of Champions ranging from sharpshooting humans to mech-riding goblins, mystical elves, and jetpack-clad dragons.
Each Champion brings a unique set of abilities to the battlefield and new Champions are regularly added to Paladins, keeping the game exciting. Paladins is completely Free-to-Play. Anything that affects gameplay can be unlocked simply by playing, with cosmetic items available for purchase. With Paladins' deckbuilding system, you can become an iron sights sniper, a grenade-slinging explosives expert, or a track star with an assault rifle — all as the same Champion.
Choose from dozens of cards to customize your abilities and make each Champion your own. Ancient Goddess. Interstellar bounty hunter. Cutthroat pirate.