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You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game! Support projects on this website by making a pledge on Patreon! Did you find one of my guides useful? I'd love to hear it - the best way to let me know is to leave a comment on the corresponding video on YouTube or send me a message on Twitter! Privacy Policy. Toggle navigation Swtorista. Xalek Customization 3 Cartel Market. With his new partner Vette, he racked up a brand-new list of offenses and enemies.
He currently maintains a tumultuous relationship with the infamous smuggler Hylo Visz. A failed Jedi Padawan who abandoned his training, the enthusiastically greedy Guss Tuno prefers the underworld lifestyle's potential for material riches.
In a perfect galaxy, Guss would spend his retirement lounging in a heated swimming pool surrounded by exotic beauties while consuming a steady diet of fresh fish and expensive cocktails. The droid designated HK is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years.
Whatever HK's original programming dictated, he pledged absolute loyalty to his new master upon his reactivation. HK is a model of ruthless efficiency. His assassination protocols deteriorate unless they are put to frequent use. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. Beyond expressing pride in successful assassinations, HK has little patience for the trivial emotional problems of organics.
Originally from Alderaan, Jaesa was a former Jedi Padawan who possessed tremendous strength in the Force, including the unique ability to discern a person's true nature and intentions. She was a firm believer in the Jedi Order until she met the Emperor's Wrath, after which the flaws and shortcomings of the Jedi were finally exposed to her. She joined the Emperor's Wrath as their Sith Apprentice and embraced the dark side, travelling the galaxy to carry out the Emperor's will.
After the disappearance of her master and the Eternal Empire's subsequent invasion, Jaesa carried on alone, her power in the dark side growing as her hatred and feelings of abandonment festered. Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve.
Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being's true nature and uncover a person's most secret intentions.
But Nomen Karr could only protect and shield his Padawan from the world for so long. Through the machinations of Darth Baras, Jaesa was drawn away from the protection of the order and confronted by Baras's own apprentice--and with the emotional instability of her Master. Having now seen the darkness within the Jedi Order, Jaesa has left its corruption behind completely to help transform the Empire from within. She has searched her whole life for something to believe in, and her new teacher has provided the answer.
Likes: Helping the weak, secrets of the Force, honor Dislikes: Random cruelty, hurting innocents, rudeness. Prizing freedom and anarchy above all, Kaliyo Djannis has always done precisely what she wants. She spent her adult life jumping between unsavory jobs, including for the Hutt Cartel and the Exchange. Willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get her way, she racked up a long list of enemies and ex-lovers. When Cipher Nine landed on Hutta to make a deal with Nem'ro the Hutt, Kaliyo temporarily put everything aside to join the agent and work with Imperial Intelligence.
After Cipher Nine's disappearance, Kaliyo went back to freelancing around the galaxy. When she eventually grew bored, she landed on Zakuul and began targeting government and civilian buildings in terrorist bombings. Her activities drew the citizenry's attention, earning her the nickname "Firebrand" and sparking the first real flames of rebellion.
Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past. Powerful, cunning and ruthless enough to slay even the strongest Force-users, Khem Val was trained as an elite assassin.
After emerging from his long slumber, the Dashade is the very embodiment of death and destruction; a reminder that there are things even Sith and Jedi must fear. Although once pledged to a life of service, with his original master gone, it is uncertain where Khem Val's true loyalties now lie. A near-perfect killing machine, he could prove a valuable weapon for anyone willing to take him on Likes: Killing Force users, displays of strength, making foolish people unhappy Dislikes: Weakness in any form, not killing Force users.
Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy's most unpleasant worlds.
Thanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi--and a world-weary sophisticate's attitude to match. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path. Those who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira's sarcastic facade. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.
Likes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the Empire Dislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, cooperating with Sith. Likes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the Empire Dislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, aiding the Sith. As the Sith Emperor's personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi--and ten times as many Sith. Even the most powerful members of the Dark Council avoided offending the who man once bore the title "the Emperor's Wrath.
Centuries spent watching his fellow Sith Lords rise and fall has given Lord Scourge a unique perspective on people. He can analyze someone's flaws after only brief observation, and freely shares his perceptions whether they're wanted or not. Likes: Using power against the weak, power, anger, revenge and spite Dislikes: Greed, acts of mercy, Jedi and Republic authorities. MX is a highly advanced war droid designed and built specifically to serve in Havoc Squad.
As such, his engineers programmed him to be a perfect soldier: completely loyal, fervently patriotic, and willing and eager to go to any length or face any risk to destroy the Republic's enemies. MX's armor plating, weapons systems and processing power are significantly advanced over typical military droid standards, due in large part to his unusual power core. Constructed by an unknown organization, the core was recovered during a classified operation and has output capabilities far beyond conventional models.
After his commanding officer went missing in action, MX's boisterous patriotism made him a perfect fit for the press corps, where he continued his work on improving soldiers' morale. His fiery speeches and heroic tales from Havoc Squad has made MX a legend among the Republic ranks. Not one to let fame go to his circuits, MX's only comment on his newfound notoriety is simply, "All in a day's work! At first glance, Mako's relationship with Braden seems more like that of a father and daughter than members of a team of professional bounty hunters--and that assessment wouldn't be too far off the mark.
Orphaned and homeless but with an uncanny instinct for computing, Mako had been living as a freelance slicer in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa's underbelly Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since.
But while Mako loves the old man more than anything, her independent nature is beginning to chafe under Braden's protectiveness. Likes: Professionalism, bounty hunters, making money, freedom, kindness Dislikes: Bullying, cruelty, snobs. An officer in the Imperial military, Malavai Quinn is loyal to the Empire and everything it stands for. When his career was abruptly halted by a mysterious disgrace, he served the powerful Sith Lord known as the Emperor's Wrath. Quinn later betrayed the Wrath at the command of his true master, Darth Baras.
The Wrath ultimately forgave his crimes, and Quinn vowed to earn back their trust by helping overthrow Darth Baras. When the Wrath went missing at the start of the Zakuul invasion, Quinn's rescue efforts ended with him imprisoned by enemies within the Sith Empire.
Empress Acina restored him to service and groomed him to serve her as advisor and confidante. A native of distant Sarkhai and daughter of Senator Tobas Grell, Nadia Grell is a newcomer not only to the Republic, but to the entire concept of space exploration. Surrounded by new species and strange cultures, Nadia is eager to experience everything she can. She became interested in the intricacies of galactic diplomacy while traveling alongside her father, and often acted as his assistant during talks.
As she revealed on Attis Station, Nadia is also strong in the Force; unusually strong, in fact. As Force sensitives are relatively unknown on Sarkhai, Nadia's untrained powers left her shunned and feared by her own people.
Senator Grell's decision to take her with him when he left Sarkhai was motivated by the hope of finding others like her in the Republic, and perhaps discovering some way for her to control her incredible talents. Likes: Learning, helping the weak, charity, mercy, testing her powers Dislikes: Cruelty, dark Jedi, insulting authority. While few who are not Force sensitive in the Empire have any choice but to join the military, Lieutenant Pierce joined eagerly--not out of a sense of duty but out of a lust for action.
In fact, although his soldiering and bravery are beyond question, he has faced resistance and scrutiny throughout his military career due to his occasionally reckless attitude and his disdain for authority.
Pierce thrived during his service to the Emperor's Wrath and even led a successful operation capturing the Bastion on Corellia. But when the Wrath vanished, the Moffs decided a war hero like Pierce was too valuable to lose in combat. They promoted him, then reassigned him to a desk job at the Outreach Bureau, where he could act as an idol for the new recruits, much to Pierce's chagrin. Do any of them perform differently than any of the others?
Is it purely aesthetic, or is there some functional reason to get them? BioWare is unablte to balance anything! Before 4. Now we are flooded with them for no reason. And one is more boring than the other. They only know black and white. No companions at all, or a shitload of them. All of them can do the same. Worst of them is that Idiot of Nico Okarr.
Go back to League of Legends or Minecraft or whatever game you enjoy more. Pierce and HK are good examples: HK seems to take a lot more damage as a tank, jumps around awkwardly a lot during combat, and generally does not keep enemies grouped or hold aggro well. Pierce is exactly the opposite on all counts. I plan to do a lot more observation of this and see if it bears out across multiple companions. Anyone else noticed companions that tend to be better at their original roles than when they are in one of the alternate roles?
I have encountered this as well. I have both Veeroa Denz and Lana Beniko at 19 influence. Doing heroic star fortress runs, Lana has a significantly higher survival rate throughout no matter what role either of them seem to be set at. I had Okarr and Beniko at 25 influence running star fortress heorics and I was constantly running into issues with Okarr dying, nearly dying, etc.
It could just be ranged vs melee. Which defeats the whole purpose of being able to use whichever companion we want for any role, by making some companions decidedly unattractive. CS told me that melee tech-healing channel thing was a bug, anyway. But here were my findings. My second character through KotFE was my sentinel: I never had any high influence with my old companions all of them under rank 4 so I teamed up with Senya — had a girl crush on her anyway. Now my first character through the storyline was my Sage — I teamed her up with T7 because of my abundance of technology gifts but the poor little guy kept getting crushed in our normal weekly heroic quest runs this was at rank 35 , we even struggled with trash in Star Fortress heroic.
I switched to Senya and got her to rank 20 and everything is so smooth. My third character was my Guardian who leveled with HK so naturally I had hoped to keep teaming with him.
But he was a messy tank, his dps was not even close to what it use to be and fights were too slow with him healing.
I did speak to both of them, but still didnt get any Alert for Lokin, bug?. Is there any way to get back your original companions? I want to get Jaessa back on my warrior and Ashara on my assassin. There are quests for some of them, and eventually all of them when more Chapters are released. There is a Map you can Right click on in the room where the Datapad is for extra bonuses when you level you your Specialists, wait for a little bit and you can get your companions back early.
A note on Lokin — you do not need to get him to Influence Rank 10 as an Agent. I just spent the past 2 days collecting Anodyne samples. Yes, I visit him in my Agent, with empty hands because he is a former companion. No need to gain the rank if you already have it.
Good note! Good thing that I kept ten Exotic Plague Specimen in my cargo. I knew that one day they would be used for something new. Do NOT reset mission, since it will send you back to the begining of everything, making it take longer time to complete. Maybe it works here. Does anyone know if he can be removed? Click on his picture and there should be an option in his biography box to transfer all his gear into your inventory to sell for a few extra credits.
Even when they die, their picture will still be there, just like Darth Marr and HK. I didnt because it seemed like a waste after spending all the bio mats and time running around the tunnels and tattooine…. Feed Scritchy: near Aygo in the hangar on Odessen you will find a box of food.
I had 4 of them leftovers from previous events so that made my life a lot easier, as I will be recruiting him on 3 toons this month followed by 3 more in December and 3 more in January. Nope, gotta do Qyzen. The reason is that the recruiter is both the Aygo guy and you can have only 1 alert from him at a time. Is there a way to reject Pierce without having to go through the PVP bit? I think you can only reject Lokin and not kill him. That Qyzen mission needs circles for Jagganath areas, no player here is an actual hunter; so we need some kind of proper ingame mission, not just a hit-and-miss-random-respawn mechanism of frustration.
There is a glowie right next to Qyzen; if you click on it, you get a pop-up for a holodocument describing areas where the Jagganath targets can be found. You have to return to Qyzen each time to review. Your guide is great! Just wanted to add to it that I also got underworld and resurrected armor shells. For a future companion quest to unlock him when the event comes back i am guessing. Maybe use slot machine X amount of times or win x item. I have more than 40 valor. Your Valor for recruitment is irrelevant.
You would obtain the recruitment quest for him through your Companion Window, and would be sent to speak to him. Then he would tell you to complete 20 warzones. You would get him after that completion. It appears that any companion you had previously returns with the same influence they had prior to your starting KotFE.
The termination of companion customizations appears to be only for companions you already have when you start KotFE. Found another spawn point in Whiterock Waste at x y Edit: and another at x y Since 4. I guess it works well for 14, etc. I am attached with an online business entity that I heard about and I have earned such great cash. It is really user friendly and I feel myself lucky to have that option. Why not try this. Is it possible to bypass Pierce?
Otherwise you need rank 40 valor. Yeah, if you abandon the quest, it goes right back to Lana. Thanks Bioware. Found one in Icefall Plains at , which, I think, is the first red X on your map from the top. Yeah do not think that works, I killed 27 of those fungal elites and only got dna sample, what ever those are.
When I spoke with him there was no option for that or anything other than the grade 8 mats. Was there a change to the Pierce requirements? I could not get past that and found the answer here. I was able to go to my stronghold and then return to Ilum and the collapsed entrance was finally clickable. I hit rank 20 with all four alliance groups, and got the tokens, and the achievement for getting all 4 as a set, BUT 3 of the 4 members Dr Ogurubb being the exception didnt give me the individual achievements for getting them to rank Makes no sense.
I double checked my achievements and all four are missing. Thank you. Pretty sure u need Hemostatic Gel not since u can only turn in packs of For Dr. Lokin the old mofo. Is there a cap for the companions or specialists? Can I recruit all of them? Reason I ask is that I want a specific crew that will hopefully get filled out as we progress through the chapters.
Just have a bio gatherer wander around Yavin for a little while. You just need samples and components each. I was valor 44 and it would not let me recruit Pierce straight away. It gave me that damn pvp mission to get him. Try talking to him again without the quest marker. Same thing happend to me with 70 Valor on my operative. Upon talking to him again he was recruited. Did Bowdaar quest on 2 chars today. But around 3 weeks ago i did it on 2 chars and all working fine.
Created a ticket. I just completed the Bowdaar mission, Freedom Fight, and it says he joined my alliance as a follower. It seems like this is a recent bug, since I see a lot of people having the same problem and lots of people who have had him as a companion since the mission was available. Has anyone else had this problem and found a fix? There is a big purple thing with very long range that stuns and kills me.
Can not get close to it nor the relics. The tome gives you a buff for 1 hour. I think it prevented the thing from dragging me and I could take the relics. Hope it works for you. What t0bs wrote is correct. However, the active buff lasts 1 hour does not prevent you from being dragged to the ancient threat, but now you take a lot less damage and are able to flee the immediate vicinity and thus recover the datacrons on site 5.
It also helps to have the travel conveniences to Outdoors Den and Yavin 4 active to be found in your legacy tab. Turns out it is a world boss that does not spawn and de-spawn properly. It is a bug that will be fixed soon on a release. Some of this is wrong. I went on my smuggler to get Bowdaar and had to do the quest a few times to get my rank up to It has been very helpful.
I thought he said for those companions you mentioned if they were already ranked 10 when you had them, you can skip the steps when you go to recruit them. Unless there is another place in this long post that said this that I missed.
It is a long post. May have missed it somewhere else. Can anyone tell me if the legacy gear you get through the crates is class based or random loot? Like the warrior pieces.
Do you have to be a trooper to get troop gear or is it ok to go ahead with a different class to try for the set you want. Any help is appreciated, thanks. Will that bonus be made available in a future update? So i did the inflicting comfort quest for c2-n2 about 3 times it told me i didnt have the stuff for him, once i put it into my inventory out of my crafting bag the little droid finally took it.
Some other interesting story- wotr companion book related hints include the check- wotr companion book in with kira and scourge. This new dialogue will set up the events to follow in update 6. However, if you want them to appear earlier in kotfe, you can head to companion locator terminal to locate them wotr companion book back.
Welcome jaesa willsaam is the initial, wotr companion book dialogue only, companion mission for jaesa that is available upon first acquiring her as a companion. The characters i relate to the most in games, books and movies tend to be heroic and look out for others more than themselves.
I think that is why i really like mal from firefly. In gaming, mmo, star wars the old wotr companion book republic, swtor. In wotr companion book july, sue rostoni posted an updated publishing calendar with this book having been pushed back to ma.
Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. MMO guide writer and blogger. There is actually an achievement worth 10 pts if you waste a barnacle of the eyeless on him lol. What about it? Different scion.
It was bugged for me too but relogging seem to have fixed it. It is a bit wonky. Ok thanks. I will try that and let you know if it works.