What if classic vol 5

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Usually dispatched within 2 to 3 days. Livre jamais ouvert. London Lane France via United Kingdom. More Books via United States. Bonita via United States. Books Express via United States. Ships with Tracking Number! May be re-issue. Buy with confidence, excellent customer service! Used books: 1 - 28 of 28 Bookseller Notes Price 1.

Half Price Books Inc. Connecting readers with great books since Customer service is our top priority! This item is very good condition. Cover or jacket may have slightly shelf wear.

Fulfillment by Amazon. Amazon Prime. Not a Prime member? Customer service is our top priority!. Region: North America. Type: Illustrated Book. Age Level: Young Adults. Genre: Classics. Series: What If. Main Character: Avengers. Special Attributes: Illustrated. Book is in very good condition. United States. London Lane Company via United Kingdom. Versand aus dem Ausland, Lieferzeit Arbeitstage ab dem Versandtag.

Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Kundendienst. Could have light markings. No code or CD. Mandarake via Japan. The Phoenix lived, but the Hulk died! The Avengers take on the world, but Korvac destroys it! Plus: Eternals; Inhumans; and gods, gods, gods!

Featuring Daredevil, Agent of S. Product details Format Paperback pages Dimensions x x Rating details. Book ratings by Goodreads. Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews.

We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book. Close X. Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter. Sign up now. Follow us. Tom Sutton Illustrator ,.

Alan Kupperberg Illustrator ,. Al Gordon Illustrator ,. Rich Buckler Illustrator ,. Jim Mooney Illustrator ,. Pablo Marcos Illustrator ,. Bob Budiansky Illustrator ,.

Greg LaRocque Illustrator ,. Bruce Patterson Illustrator ,. Joe Sinnott Illustrator ,. Bob Layton Illustrator. The fifth installment of alternate-Earth action! The Phoenix lived, but the Hulk died! The Avengers take on the world, but Korvac destroys it! Get A Copy. Paperback , pages. Published January 7th by Marvel first published December 31st More Details Original Title. Classic 5 , What If? Publication Order , more.

Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about What If? Be the first to ask a question about What If? Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3.

Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of What If? Some of the worst stories in the run The best story here, even though as is typical with this series, it's ends sadly, is what if phoenix hadn't died.

The rest are mostly filler I'm surprised got approved. Dec 09, Adam Graham rated it really liked it. The fifth volume of What If? Collects Issues of the original Marvel What If? Grade: B Issue 28 had two stories. This was actually pretty good, if a bit goofy, but goofy can be a good particularly with a series that can take itself too grim and serious. Instead as the death of the Hulk has little to do with what follows. Still, there are some solid ideas. In addition to that, the first four issues contain short background pieces on the Eternals and Inhumans which are a nice feature of this book.

Mar 13, Fizzgig76 rated it liked it Shelves: graphic-novels-and-trade-paperbacks. Reprints What If? Uatu the Watcher is in a unique position. The endless possibilities of realties are in front him to watch and study.


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