In simple terms, permission is something that makes users authorized to read, write, modify and access different files and directories, belonging to a website. In WordPress, permission is normally highlighted by a set of different numbers, such as: or Note: Permissions can vary from one host to the other.
An FTP client provides an interface that allows to change the permissions of all the files and folders in a highly convenient manner. The interface of the FTP client looks something like:. You can find many different server configurations that requires a distinct set of permission modes to make a WordPress site work in a proper and secure manner.
Standard Server Configuration — This WordPress configuration does not have any relationship between the user account and web server. This is because the configuration requires that the web server must run as any other user account. Before we start with the process of setting up permissions for the files for the standard server configuration, we must make some adjustments to the ownerships of files and folders taking into account the following considerations:.
And, to figure out the groups that your web server is a part of use the following PHP script:. If you come across a situation where your user and the web server belongs to a different group, then you can add a user to any group of your web server, by using the below provided command in the terminal:.
In order to ensure that your user account has access to all the things of your WordPress folder and belongs to the newly created shared group, simply run the below mentioned command within the folder of your WordPress install:.
Abiding by all of the aforementioned commands will ensure that all the files and folders of your WordPress site have correct ownership. For example, when you connect to your site via SFTP , you are using a user account on your server, and that user account belongs to one or more groups, depending on how your server is configured.
However, understand it is essential to learn the functioning of file permissions. If you feel a little lost in this section, know that in most cases, your host has appropriately set up users for your server environment. With file permissions, you can control what each type of user Owner, Group, Public can do to the files and folders on your server Read, Write, Execute.
In general, owners of the file should have the most permissions; users who belong to the same group would have the same or fewer permissions; public users would have the same or fewer permissions than the group:.
The idea of file permissions is very similar to the WordPress roles and capabilities system. Administrators can install new plugins, for example, but an Editor cannot.
File permissions are represented by a three-digit number called a permission mode e. Again, the number you see in the permissions mode is the sum of all the permissions that an entity has. If you want to play around with this idea, you can use the chmod calculator tool to see how the numbers change as you assign different permissions to different users. There are nine characters total—the first three apply to the Owner, the next three apply to the Group, and the last three apply to the Public.
In this format, the equivalent of would be rwxrwxrwx. Because file permissions control what different users can do to the files on your server, they play a critical role in WordPress security. That would mean that anyone can create new files, modify existing files, delete existing files, execute scripts, and more. People could add malicious scripts to your site and execute them, which would quickly lead to all kinds of issues.
That would be a nightmare! For that reason, the optimal file permissions for WordPress are always going to fall somewhere between no one has any permissions and everyone has all the permissions. File permissions can also be tricky, though, because even within more realistic scenarios, you still might encounter problems. However, issues might come into play if you manually installed WordPress yourself. Lastly, to ensure that everything in our WordPress folder belongs to our user account and has the shared group that we just added, perform this command in your WordPress folder:.
All of our files and folders should now have the correct ownership. You might be thinking that allowing WordPress full privileges with our folders is not secure. WordPress allows us to upload and remove themes and plugins and even edit scripts and styles from the administrative back end. Without this type of permission, we would have to manually upload themes and plugins every time using FTP. You can use your FTP client to change the permission modes, or you can use the following commands in your WordPress directory to quickly adjust the permissions of all of your files and folders:.
Note that some Web servers are stricter than others. If yours is strict, then setting your wp-config. In this case, just leave it as Permissions for shared server configurations are easier to implement. Because our user account and the Web server share the same permissions both are owners , we can dive right into modifying the permission modes:.
Again, you can use an FTP client to change the permission modes, or you can use the following commands in your WordPress directory to quickly adjust the permissions of all of your files and folders:. Similar to the standard WordPress server configuration, your server might be stricter than others and might not allow wp-config. A common mistake people make is to set the uploads folder to Some do this because they get an error when trying to upload an image to their website, and quickly fixes this problem.
If you follow the guidelines covered in this article, then you should have no problems uploading files to your website. At times, though, a plugin will request that you set a file to Hopefully, you can implement these tips to keep your WordPress website safe and secure. If you have any additional tips regarding permissions and security, please share them in the comments below. Excerpt image credit: Christopher Ross.
Just the things you can actually use. Everything TypeScript, with code walkthroughs and examples. Hackers can take the benefit of wrongly configured file permissions. To protect your files, you should keep recommended permissions for files and folders of your WordPress project.
If you keep or permission to wp-config. Always keep or permission to wp-config. One can set the permissions to their files and directories using FileZilla software.
Connect your project with this FTP client. Once connected, go to the root directory of your project. After clicking on File permissions, a new dialog box appears. Type in the numeric value field.