The Owner-Seller Option. The Selling Process. Tax Consequences. Definitions A-O. Definitions P-Z. Table of Contents Expand. Seven Simple Interior Updates. Basic Bathroom Upgrades. Quick Fixes to Keep the Kitchen Current. The Bottom Line. Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.
You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. Related Articles. Partner Links. Related Terms Home Modification A home modification refers to any alteration made to a home to meet the needs of people with physical limitations. FHA k Loan An FHA k loan provides money for purchases, repairs, and other related expenses for individuals who want to buy and rehabilitate a damaged home. Contractor Fraud Definition Contractor fraud refers to illegal business practices committed by individual contractors or firms hired to renovate, repair or re build residential properties.
What Is a Leasehold Improvement? Most homes have natural wear and tear, a few dings on the walls or nail holes remaining where art used to hang. These imperfections are particularly noticeable in marketing photos and virtual tours.
A new coat of paint gives your home a fresh and updated look for shoppers. Upgrading your lighting is easy and inexpensive, and it can make even small rooms feel larger. Consider these steps:. Pools are a polarizing topic for buyers — some buyers love a home with a pool, but many others see it as a safety issue or a huge maintenance burden. It depends on your real estate market and your specific neighborhood, but super high-end touches like professional-grade appliances and marble countertops may not be something buyers are willing to pay extra for.
These small efforts can make a big difference when it comes to how long it takes to sell your home and how much it sells for. Consider tackling these projects before taking on bigger improvements:. Smaller finishes can also affect buyer interest while keeping upgrade costs low. Consider simple changes such as switching from brass doorknobs and locks to brushed nickel material or swapping out yellow incandescent bulbs for brighter LED lights.
You might also consider upgrading to a smart thermostat that improves energy efficiency. This kind of thermostat saves you money every month on your utility bill as long as you live in the home. Affordable landscaping and other modest enhancements to the front of your exterior can help increase its value to both appraisers visiting your house and potential buyers looking for a home of their own.
Kitchens and bathrooms are widely regarded as the rooms in a house that make the strongest impression on homebuyers. This makes kitchen and bathroom upgrades an excellent place to spend your money.
Here are 6 tips to make the most of a small garden. A new bathroom will certainly increase the value of your property — but it can be an expensive investment. To keep the price down, keep your existing layout. Moving sanitaryware might mean relocating soil pipes and water inlets, which will add to your costs.
Updating your shower enclosure? Framed enclosures tend to be cheaper than frameless models. Choose an exposed shower rather than a concealed model: these cost more to install because the pipes will need to be chased into the wall.
Similarly, wall-hung sanitaryware is generally pricier than floor-mounted versions. This is because the cisterns and brackets will need to be concealed within the walls. Save even more money by choosing a bathroom suite rather than purchasing individual pieces. And finally, keep an eye out for seasonal sales. Add value to your bathroom without breaking the bank. You can transform your home and save on the cost of an extension by knocking down the wall that separates your kitchen and living room.
If it is, taking it down without professional help could prove disastrous. Statisics provided by Robert Nichols, managing director of Portico. Save Save Save Save. Save Save.