Oxford Music Online. Grove Music Online. Advanced search. Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Sign In Article Navigation. Subscriber sign in You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Username Please enter your Username. Password Please enter your Password. Forgot password? Don't have an account? Volgens W. Volgens Anonymous IV werd het werk van Leoninus verbeterd en uitgebreid door de latere componist Perotinus.
De musicoloog is van mening dat Leoninus mogelijk dezelfde persoon was als een gelijktijdige Parijse dichter, Leonius, naar wie het misschien is vernoemd.
Dit zou het gebruik van metrum door Leoninus nog belangrijker kunnen maken. Magnus liber organi de gradali et antiphonarii pro servitio divino multiplicando c.
It has been suggested that he was a choirboy first and later became the master of the choirboys. His organa are arranged for two vocal lines.
One is the chant tune, the cantus firmus, laid out either in notes of undefined length or, in some sections, in a sequence of definite note values; the other is a newly composed melodic descant, a rhythmically controlled coloratura of great ingenuity, coordinated with the cantus firmus.