I went to the community college resource center and began checking out universities. A major? I had no clue what a major even was. So I leafed through catalogs of one university after another hoping an idea would jump off the pages. Growing up, he was a little bit different than most of the Presidents.
His father was pretty wealthy. Their clan moved to Columbia. Of course there was no one more famous than the former ex-judge of the state superior court, land speculator, and general in the War of Old Hickory was a statement in manhood and this young lad looked up to him with glowing eyes.
From time to time Old Hickory would stop by their house for a visit. When the young lad started growing up, he decided he wanted to become his own man. So he went off to school. When he finished school he decided he would move away from home. He headed about fifty miles north to a little frontier settlement named Nashville.
His boyhood hero, Old Hickory, had moved there thirty years prior. There is a story in the Bible about Elijah. There is a drought that is covering the land that Elijah had prophesied. God sent Elijah to a creek, where a raven brought him bread and food. Then God told Elijah to leave there and go to where the widow Zarephath was living and she would take care of him. Elijah did as he was told and the widow never ran out of flour to feed them. Elijah went to the Lord with a very heavy heart and the Lord empowered Elijah to raise her son from the dead.
That, in itself, is a very powerful story in the Bible. That tradition states that the young man grew up to be a very strong prophet himself.
In fact, this prophet warned King Jeoboam II that God was going to destroy his kingdom because of the great sins they had committed against Him.
I came across a catalog on Texas Tech University. It was in Lubbock, Texas. But what about that major? As I turned the pages of the catalog I came to all the required classes it took to get a degree in the different fields. I came to the section on Engineering and my eyes opened wide.
I was pretty good in math in high school and I had taken four semesters of Calculus in community college. Well, Calculus two was the hardest class I had ever taken. I hated English. I did okay, but I was still just an average college student. The next semester I was starting to get into the Engineering courses.
Texas Tech is a renowned engineering school. There were people there from all over the world. I was really out of my intellectual league. I also met some new friends and hanging out with them seemed a lot more comfortable than requirements of being an engineer. Sometimes I would study so hard and go and take a test. I would fail the test. Being with friends, who made me feel better, replaced my starry-eyed wishes of being an engineer. I would fail miserably that second semester.
I learned a lot about life, but I also decided that an education, which I was paying for, was not a wise use of my money. After all, I worked so hard to earn that money. The second lesson I learned: I probably should have changed my major because I know now there were probably many majors I would have excelled in.
I was just too stubborn to change. The young lad from Columbia was elected to the job of clerk of the Tennessee state senate. It was here that he caught the political bug and decided he wanted to be more than the lawyer he went to school for.
Old Hickory and his wife, Rachel , had no natural children themselves. This left a void in their hearts, so they would often take young men under their wings that showed promise. The young lad for Columbia was one of those lucky lads. Who better to teach him about getting into politics than Old Hickory? One of the first things Old Hickory advised him was that he needed to find himself a wife and settle down.
Young Hickory asked Old Hickory if he might have someone in mind. Young Hickory would marry that girl, Sarah Childress. One of the things that needs to happen, in order to be a great prophet, is what you say has to come true. Was God really going to destroy those people? If there were rankings of prophets at that time, you might say, his ranking was slipping and slipping badly. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Young Hickory , please sign up.
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite list ». Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jun 20, Mandi Perkins rated it it was amazing.
I thought this book was delightful! This is the first presidential biography that I throughly enjoyed. The author did a wonderful job conveying Polk's life story in a way that was not incredibly boring. I also did not feel as though the author favored slavery in any way. The dialog was commonplace for the time. Therefore, I will not assume the author had leanings one way or the other just because it may offend someone in today's society.
In conclusion, I highly recommend this book to anyone who I thought this book was delightful! In conclusion, I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in Polk. View 1 comment.
Aug 04, Jan the Gryphon rated it liked it Shelves: biography. The author was too sympathetic to slavery for my taste, but the biography of Polk was probably more true to the man because of this.
Erin rated it liked it Aug 31, Jim marked it as to-read May 27, Brent is currently reading it Sep 28, Ken added it Dec 21, Ruth Ramsey added it May 16, Dorothy added it May 23,