Why does pcp cause cannibalism

Grisly story. But while PCP is a powerful hallucinogen that can cause aberrent behavior, it doesn't make everyone a cannibal. Something was seriously wrong with Big Lurch. I think he had cannibal thoughts and the drug just helped him carry it out but I could be wrong. View 2 more replies ». I've watched people hold on to street signs for hours thinking they are going to fall off if they let go and people rock back and forth all night in the middle.

Either a bender or took a lot and fell hard into void. They have a strange effect those drugs. You hallucinate but not like in the stereotypical LSD or mushrooms way. Not bright colors and trailing glitter and beautiful mosaics. The water is abundant.

Now decriminilazation is like the dessert because the laws make marijuana a scarce commodity, in same way, the dessert makes water a scarce commodity. That scarcity causes people to lie, cheat, steal, and even resort to violence to protect that scarce marijuana, and their freedom. Just like in the dessert the scarcity of water is product of the environment.

They will lie cheat and steal and even resort to violence for that scarce commodity water. All of this means that the more abundant and avalible something is the less people will lie cheat and steal for that same something. Whether its marijuana or water. Now when we make marijuana legal it will make that marijuana more abundant, which means it will cause much less reefer maddness; that violence caused by people protecting thier marijuana and their freedom.

Have you ever heard of people resorting violence over the water in a water fountain? I havent the water maddess is not existant. In place where the same commmodity is scarce, the dessert, can you think of the plausiblity of of someone resorting to violence over water? Now decriminalation, represnts all the people in the dessert dying to protect that water in their canteen that holds small amounts of marijuana, whoops i mean water.

Now the laws need to legalize it, to get rid of reefer maddness. It might make them think about how to stop the violence and save lives by legalizing marijuana. I thought some of you would appreciate this. OTOH, ritual cannibalism has been used for nearly 2, years in Christianity. For the USA government, and their captive crony media eg.

Operation Mockingbird, etcetera to conflate cannabis use with cannibalism must be the recent apex of cynical disinformation. Such egregious lies further isolates this ruling monopolistic kleptocracy from We The People, most of whom know or should know better. The government went from telling some lies some times to telling the truth never.

If the government told me that today would be a sunny day, I would make certain to bring my umbrella. If you want pot not to be in this cannibal conversation…. The only good thing about them is they show the need to legalize REAL cannabis. The good Dr is a psychiatrist? Scarey…just a consideration Dr…the last 3 presidents of the United States all tried marijuana, and went on to govern this fine country.

I hate how they are trying to misinform people. It gets under my skin when people have proof and evidence in there face about a topic and still will not accept it. Say it is a joke, a fake, not real accredited proof like from our government who lies to us on more than one subject or occasion. I just hate people being lied to. Public opinion is similar to those who favor marijuana legalization, also favor repealing the new health care thing. Unfortunately statements like the kind this professor made have all the makings of a good long-standing drug myth.

Just because this guy cannibalized someone, does not mean that marijuana had anything to do with it. He was obviously a mentally disturbed person. Now you know about canna. Cannabem nomiba and Canna. Cannabis is a good product. Thanks if you allow it. I will try making this comment again tomorrow.

Anyone who can help me raise money to fight a legal case against marijuana, my site above is set up for donations. If you know of any where I can look to get some help with funds please let me know! Now,thats a lot of torture and pain. It causes a feeling of well being and is also needed for motor activity and coordination of the body. People that have Parkinsons disease lack L -dopamine and take it as a supplement to help them with their tremors.

Strangely anough, Tobacco creates high levels of dopamine in the body. The differences between Cannabis Sativa and Indica are marginal and are mainly geographical in origin. Sativa strains from Mexico and Columbia have been the mainstay for American pot smokers during the 60s 70s and 80s before indoor Indica varities became dominant due to prohibition. It was the responding officers personal opinions based on.

These claims portrayed through the media are not only unsupported accusations with absolutely NO evidence to support their claims, but are completely assinine and ridiculous. I have been a pot smoker for over 40yrs and have seen thousands of people use marijuana and have never seen a reaction that was negitive in nature. People that smoke are the kind that invite you in and share,they are mellowfunloving good people.

Anybody that has been exposed knows that marijuana is not something we should be worried about. The truth is that marijuana usualy gives people a effect of happyiness and relaxization and most people become more cautious and friendly. The worst experience I had with marijuana was spending 5 years in Federal Prison for a pot offense.

Pharmacologically, PCP is a type of anesthetic, in the same class of drugs as the Food and Drug Administration-approved anesthetic ketamine also known as the club drug Special K and the nitrous oxide you can get at the dentist laughing gas. However, there are still regions where it remains common. Whether Hernandez was affected by PCP at the time of his alleged crime will be up to the court dissect. But given the erratic behavior that PCP generally triggers, connecting the murder, which prosecutors say Hernandez carefully orchestrated and plotted, to the drug may be a challenge.

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