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Hi, I am interested in using your Hoedown font for use in digital scrapbook products and wonder if there is a charge for this?

Thank you in advance. Dear Dieter, I am running a small home-based card and graphic design business and would like to use Honey Script as the font on one postcard and one graphic print and of course I would be happy to pay you for your permission to use it.

Thank you very much in advance. I really appreciate all your fonts, they are just beautiful Best regards, Monika. If you are willing, I would like your permission to use your Marker Felt font on this app and future apps in the same series. Da kamen nun viele Erinnerungen hoch. Im Leben bin ich — auch gesundheitlich — nun an einem Punkt angelangt, wo ich beruflich nur noch das machen will was mir am Herzen liegt.

Bislang war es nur ein Hobby und die Ergebnisse wurden verschenkt. Es sind Karten mit kurzen Texten und Zitaten.

Nach Durchsicht der anderen Kommentare ist meine Frage nun, ob Sie es mir dennoch gestatten, einige Ihrer Schriften zu verwenden? I am a professor at a small university in Dallas, Texas, instructing graphic design and art classes.

I am also a freelance graphic designer earning a modest income for my family. I am requesting your permission to use your fonts to create logos, visual identity, and other graphic designs.

You will be credited in any of my work where I have used your font designs. Currently, I am designing a logo in which I would like to use Goudy Initialen. Thank you in advance for considering my request. Die Schrift soll auf T-Shirts gedruckt werden, welche ich online zum Kauf anbiete. Hello, I am a student and was looking to use your Honey Script font to print myself and friends t-shirts. May I have your permission in doing so?

I am in the first stages of starting a home based yarn dyeing and knitwear design business. I have fallen in love with your Honey Script font and I am in awe of how perfectly it lends itself to the image of my small business, fancy and eye catching, yet soft and modest.

It resembles my own handwritting, yet much cleaner of course. I would like to ask your permission for commercial use of the Honey script font as inspiration for my business logo, and while I have modified it slightly to suit my products main logo, the original font will appear on business cards, yarn labels, and website.

I would of course, be more than happy to credit you with the font design on my website as well as online store. I am an artist and photographer, currently in the beginning stages of starting my business. It struck my eye because of its certain rebellious flavor and touch of elegance. I have modified it slightly, increasing its width to fit the identity of the business. I want to use this font for that phrase. Would it be possible to use your Gabriola and Gabrielle fonts for commercial purpose on my front cover?

Dear Mr Steffman, Greetings form St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Thank you for providing all of your amazing fonts. I would like to formally request the use of your fonts for commercial print purposes.

I am starting a home-based T-shirt and media design company, focusing on free-thought, science, skepticism and human equality themes.

I am particularly interested in the Due Date font. It will be perfect for my logo and many of my pending designs. Thank you for considering my request. This is a request for approval to use your font for our new digital invitation service. We plan to compete with Paperless Post and your font would be seen by a large user group. We would of course list the name of your font on the platform.

The font would be for commercial use and would be for web and app use. We would require your permission to use on the web and as an app. I would like to ask your permission to use the font Saddlebag Black for a commercial trade show sign to be displayed in a private environment.

Could you please let me know at your earliest convenience if I have permission to use the font? Specialy Marketing Script! Can I use them for commercial use? Thank you so much for your beautiful work. Kind regards, Alexandra Martins.

We are considering your excellent rendering of this font for the title of a brand of products for children. I am completely taken with your Honey Script font. I am starting a fine art print business and I would like your permission to use the font on some of my marketing materials, specifically some stationery, packaging, stickers, postcards and website graphics.

I am more than happy to license them, but it seems from this site that perhaps permission is all that you require. First of all, I would like to say thank you for creating beautiful fonts. Please let me know if I can use your font with your permission for free, or if not, how much would it be to license this font. Hello dear sir! I fell in love with the minimalism and grooviness of the font Prisma. I would love to use it as a font for my lounge band. We are just starting out, but it really catches the essence we feel in our sound.

I would like to know what the license is of your font Hoedown. Because on several sites it says that its free for commercial use.

If it is not. What will the fee be? Herr Steffman, Vary nice collection of fonts. Kind regards, Martin D. Like the countless people before me, and the many more to come, I have fallen in love with your font collection. Relying on your previous online responses to requests for commercial permission on this site, requesting permission here is all that is required.

I would like to use the font in the next 30 days. I am a self taught 3d artist and aspiring to be a 3d animator. I currently work as a dishwasher at a restaurant and I also do freelance graphic design work on the side. I would be so grateful for it! Thank you kindly for creating such lovely fonts. I am very interested in using some of them to produce chalk drawings with inspirational messages.

I would like to sell my drawings on Etsy. I am a stay-at-home mom of four and my husband does not have retirement saved. I would like to help him retire some day and also have enough to give to poor children and oppressed people groups living in poorer countries. I look forward to your response. I would like to use one of your letters at the beginning of each chapter.

I am asking for permission as I have noticed they are royalty free for personal use. My goal is to educate children about looking after our planet and each other. It would be an honour to use your beautiful fonts. And I would love to send you the book after publication. Please let me know if you will alow me the use. Otherwise I will search or design something.

I am organising the printing of the book as we speak. Kind regards, Susan Pease. I hope everything is good with you! Would you please be able to allow me to use it on this project? Steffmann, Please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Mitch Gelman and I am about to start my very first business. It would be an absolute honor to use it for my start-up consulting line of work. That being said, I am kindly asking for your permission to do so. If this is possible, I would be ever so grateful and will definitely send you nothing but positive energy in return.

I look forward to your response at your convenience. Until then, I wish you the best of good health and good fortune, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Best Regards, Mitch Gelman. One of my clients found the Forelle font you created and would like to use it in her logo. She found the font at FreeFonts. Can we have permission to use this font commercially, and if so, is there a cost? Hi Dieter I am a sign maker who makes signs, banner, vehicle graphics, etc. I am in the process of building a web site where users can design their own signs online. We would then create the signs from their designs. I would like to include some of your fonts in the list of fonts they can use in their designs.

They would not be able to download or copy the fonts. Would you allow me to use some in the web site. I can put an acknowledgement to you on the site. Thank you for you help. However, I see that the font might not be commercial free after all. Is it ok if I use this font on the t shirts I will sell? Please let me know, thanks! I work for an indie film making company based in Mexico.

We just finished our first feature film. To do so, I want to ask you if we can re-kern some symbols such as the interrogation marks which in this particular case seem to be very close together with the first word of the question.

We would properly credit you in the end credits. This movie is to be exhibited in film festivals and eventually have a theatrical release.

Guten Tag Herr Steffman; I am a photographer and would like to be able to incorporate Honey Script in a few of my photographs, since it is much nicer than my handwriting. These images would be sold commercially and the font be superimposed on writing paper that has been photographed. How can go about licensing this particular font? I am a young entrepreneur and have recently started dealing in personal accessories like desk clocks, writing instruments, etc.

I am in love with the Kaiserzeit Gotisch Font and want to request you to see if I can use this font for my logo. This logo will be carried on the website, products, etc.

Please do let me know if it would possible to for me to use the font for these purposes. Es ist fur nur eine design. Ok, ich hatte Deutsche versuchen gespragt aber ich bin Americanish. Ich habe versucht Like the others on your site, I also saw it and was able to download it for free. I am willing to purchase it as well or send you a picture of how I am using it. It will only be in one design. Please advise how I can move forward with free use on this one design or purchase.

Thank you, Gabino. And i love it!! I started my business and i would like to use it for the logotype and the communication. I love it! I would like to use it for my small business created recently. Please, can i use it for my logo and for my communication tools? I live in Milwaukee, WI. I am trying to translate the above referenced document for my pastor but I am unsure the best and most affordable way to render the text cleanly into English.

Would you happen to know which font type this is and perhaps how I might go about translating it per above? I wanted to ask and make sure that it would be okay for I tell them yes.

My name is Carly Rann and i live in the U. I make hand stamped jewellery and i am looking to have one custom only for my use metal font set made. I would like to ask your permission for commercial use of the Honey script font if at all possible. I would be happy to give you acknowledgement for the font on my website. I would like to ask permission to use the Rothenburg font for our groups demo cd, it was brought to my attention that this font was actually, not free, for commercial use unlike what fonts.

We will be having our own logo designed soon, however, we can only seem to agree on this particular font, at this time. Very little revenue will actually come from the logo at this point, however, we wanted to make sure we got your permission to use the font….

Vielen Dank. I have a small graphics business out of my home and love your font Campanile, as well as Titania, Honey Script and Benjamin Franklin. Your permission to use commercially for printed graphics including flyers, digital media and packaging would be greatly appreciated.

It is a non-profit organization. We all agree it looks great. I am requesting your permission to use Quentin Caps font in our Logo and Newsletter. We would also like to print T-shirts with our club logo and your Quentin Caps font with your permission.

I love your fonts! I have written an entirely fictional, surrealist novel based on the figure of Hildegard von Bingen, and I am wondering if I may use Goudy Initialen for drop caps at the beginning of some of the chapters.

If so, how may I go about downloading a version that can be imbedded in a pdf file? Thank You! The font works now. Could you please clarify whether I have your permission to use this in my novel, which I am self-publishing, and planning to sell? Sie passt genau zu uns. Vielleicht nehmen wir auch mal eine CD auf, die wir bei der Gelegenheit verkaufen wollen.

Ich finde es immer wieder sehr beeindruckend, wenn man seinen Beruf zur Berufung machen kann. We are currently working for one our sports show packaging for online digital platform hotstar. Hi I am getting stated on selling online scrapbooks. I was on dafont.

The site has them under free. Can I use them in my art? This would mean that I will have to add color and change them in other ways as well. So are they commercial free with no resections? Hope to hear back from you.

Steffenman, I would like to use QuentinCaps in a sign for my high-end tailor shop. I hope this will be all right since it is exactly what I am looking for. Please let me know if this is possible. I also read that you provide permission to use for commercial use upon request? Is this correct? If so, that is very generous of you to do, and would love if I had your permission to use your font.

If I do get your permission to use your font, do I need to document it in any way? Can you please email me costs to use the Germania font commercially? I am designing a wrist strap for Zox Straps and I absolutely love this font for it!

I would love to ask permission to use this font in hopes my tie-dye design may be made and sold. I would be ever grateful if I could use your font and if so I would love to also send you a bracelet if it is chosen and made so you can enjoy it too!

If you would like information on zox and what they are, please check out zox. My goodness what a a fantastic font collection, I really much appreciate the work that you have done.

Thank you for sharing your talent. I used Powell Antique to make a logo for a friend. He wants to make business cards and yard signs for his landscaping company.

Is this allowed? I would like to discuss a commercial license for the Kings Cross font for use in a university magazine for former students. This magazine has no advertising.

I work at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts. Thank you,. I am requesting your permission to use your font Augusta on an embroidered patch. The patch will be used for a Halloween party and given away as a party favor to approximately 50 guests. I will not be selling the patches or profiting in any way. Thank you so much for your time. I wanted to inquire about a license or permission to use your Old English Five font for a majority of the name of my business, mainly to be used at the top of the website.

I would be using your letters for part of the name of my business. I would provide information about your font, and give credit to you as author on the website. This is a small, recently established July, on-line based chocolate business.

I am working on an open world sandbox game and we have decided that your Devinne Swash font works really well with the menu screen options. We would like to obtain a commercial license for this font with your permission. If you would like to learn more about our project or have any questions, please send me an e-mail and I will answer any concerns you might have.

When our designer downloaded the font from freefonts. Now that link is not available, nor is any information about a license for commercial use. Can you please let me know what the fee would be to use the font one time only for commercial use? Thank you very much for your help with this. Sincerely, Julia Gallagher.

I would like to say thank you for superb and admirable font collection you have created. You are a great inspiration to many people. I am attempting to do some freelance work designing logos and graphics, and would like to ask for your permission on using some of the fonts for this purpose. Your consideration to allow me to use your fonts will be greatly appreciated.

I truly adore your talent! Thank you for all your work and for sharing with those less fortunate. Wishing you all the best in life, Cindy. Hi Dieter, Would you consider for me to use any of your fonts to make sentimental quotes for vinyl transfers or iron-on transfers for home decor items that I make and sell part-time from my home? There would be no mass production nor production for other businesses.

Just a one woman show that loves to do crafts in my spare time and share them with other women that like to decorate on a budget. I would proudly give credit on any of your fonts used and tag my completed projects with your name as the designer of the fonts.

Would this be a possibility? Thank you kindly for your consideration. Steffmann, I have received your email. Many thanks for your reply! May life continue to fill your heart with inspiration and creativity in all your endeavors. Best Wishes in all you do, Cindy Stanley.

Hello Sir — I like all of your fonts but really like one called Angel. I am not able to download it. Is there a way you can send it to me?

Thank you Jim. What the lincense for you fonts, and i can use for comercial use in videos? I am interested in using it for a Business Logo. I am sure you get this question a lot since your fonts are amazing; can I freely use it in a logo?

If it is not free to utilize, what steps must I go through to get permission? Sincerely, Marion. I am loving your font called Honey Script, It fits perfectly in my design for a window sticker in Antwerp, may I please use it freely. The sticker will be up there for a month. Till the opening early October. You are my last hope.. I was hoping to use some of your fonts on pictures I have taken and sell them. Inspirational words and phrases. I am trying to make a living of this and I find your fonts so beautiful.

Thank you for your time. En vous remerciant. I actually found many amazing fonts belong to you on fonts for free commercial use. I am the owner of a very small custom apparel and decal shop in Northern Colorado.

I have looked through your fonts and I really like several 53 to be exact. May I please have your written permission to use your fonts in my work? I specialize in Rhinestone designs, but occasionally customers want text or initials. I am designing a decorative tin can for a year-old American company.

Their logo is very compatible with Honey Script. I would like to add a phrase to their tin design using Honey Script. Please confirm or let me know if it is available for licensing for this purpose. Thank you in advance for your consideration. If you would like more information, please contact me. Dear Mr Steffmann, I was wondering if I could gain your permission to use your font Hoedown for commercial use ie.

I am a graphic artist and illustrator. Kind regards, Heather. I saw your marvelous fonts on dafont. I am from the UK and I want to start my own small business company. So I hopefully get your permission to use your font for commercial use. I really appreciate your time and consideration to my request. Thanks a lot, Mr. The font will be used for the title of the book. I was wondering if you could give me the authorization to use the font for my logo? I would only use it for the logo on my website and business cards.

I would really appreciate your help and being able to use this great font! Looking forward to your reply. Greetings from Montreal! My partner and I are trying to start an educational program for children which focuses on reducing the gap in STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education for public school children.

May we use your font for our logo? We are a small independent game studio from Canada that creates mobile phone games for all ages. Steffenman, I am beginning to take in some small graphic design commissions as a hobby and to support myself while unemployed. I wonder if i may have your permission to use your Tintoretto and Honey Script fonts in my work? Thank you for your consideration.

My wife and I truly admire your work. We run a small me and my wife home based business selling handmade items for the wedding industry. We are asking you for commercial permission to use the font: flaemische-kanzleischrift to make laser cut table numbers and other items.

It would be a true blessing for us. I would like to reach out and ask if you would be willing to give me permission to use your font for some website and print designs I have made for a client? Thank you so much, Emery Dingee.

By the way nice to meet you! In dafont. I see a lot of questions about licensing and I am confused myself. I wouold suggest that Mr. Steffmann to do one of these three things:. Of course I would prefer the 2nd option. Kann es aber im Web nicht finden…. Is there a way I can purchase it? Is it possible to have your email address because I have a question about your honeyscript typo, that i would like to buy for commercial purpose?

Let me know, thank you. Would you be happy for me to use the font on this project? Thanks very much for your time and beautiful work. Thank you and have a great day. However, we both love this font so much that we would like to have it be the font for the permanent logo.

It is truly a work of art, as is all of the work from you that I have seen so far. I cannot find this font for sale with a commercial license though, so I am here to ask your permission to use this font for the logo.

Will you grant permission to use? And if so what are your conditions, if any. I thank you in advance for your time and consideration, and wish you the best.

I am working on a project for a friend as a kickstarter for what i love to do. I cannot find any font for commercial I like and Augusta is perfect for the cover. How do I go about obtaining the license to use this font for to sell her book and what are your conditions, if any. Herr Steffmann, I admire your work and that you are a true craftsman. Thank you for sharing your gift. It is too plain. I will just be using the lowercase a for my logo for clothing company.

I have checked out every font you have, I like Olde the best. Steffmann, I really like your fonts! You have made some beautiful ones! May I have permission to use them? In particular at this time, I am interested in using Honey Script for a blog, and since I want to use it in the name, it may be used elsewhere as a logo in the future. Thank you for sharing your talent! First of all, thank you for your admirable compilation of Fonts.

I am working as freelance designer and seen your fonts on fonts and must say that you are realy talented! I am interested in using Titania, Klarissa in my logo and graphic designs, but other Fonts to in a time. Can you please tell me that if I use your Fonts free for commercial use and modify some shape just a little for example: change perspective of Fonts or use effect of Arch and such , use them as wordmark and add some dots or something in my designs… does the Fonts in that case needs to be purchased?

I am only talking about Shapes of fonts in designs and not the Files itself. Besides the Licence offcorse you would be credited as designer of Fonts at the end! Hello, mr Dieter Steffmann.

Can I use Blackwood Castle font in my small flash game? Game is free for end players. Do you give me permission to use your Prisma font on a t-shirt? There is a possibility that the t-shirt will be sold.

I have only one question, what do you mean by personnel use only? I sell nothing, i do not have even advertising. Steffmann I love your font titled Kaiserzeit Gotisch and wanted to use it for a logo design, however, on trying to export the file, it says there are licensing restrictions.

Would you be so kind as to give me permission to use this font? Kind regards. I know that it can be used in a commercial for it. Ask to be sure. If put to commercial use? Best regard. I am rewriting our technical publications. For the warning symbols there are are available graphics in the internet. I loved all the movie watching, coffee drinking, and reality show based conversations they shared. But, they also shared some really meaningful moments, which paved the way for Mariam's journey.

This book was on the lighter side, but I won't pretend that there weren't some really emotional moments in there. There were a few of Mariam's big a-has, that were accompanied by my tears. Some were happy tears and some were sad tears, but all were important moments I was glad to share with Mariam.

And the ending! That ending left me like Overall: This was a heartwarming, hilarious, and honest tale of one young woman's journey to rediscover herself, which was entertaining and throughly enjoyable. Apr 12, Sam! Shelves: ibooks , 3-stars. Rating: 3. This ended up being much more about self-care and personal growth than romance, which was really refreshing. Mariam grew a lot throughout the book, which I really liked. Although the side characters were very, very flat, Mariam herself was complex enough that I was okay with that.

She was the star of this book, and it was her journey Rating: 3. She was the star of this book, and it was her journey that we were supposed to care about. If you're looking for a romance this is not your book, but otherwise give it a go! Oct 06, nikki rated it liked it. I feel like I wanted too badly to like this book and i did, but at the end of the day it was boring and repetitive at some points. Sep 15, Keti rated it really liked it.

A cute romance - something I am lacking :. May 08, Steff Fox rated it liked it Shelves: creative-tales , , arcs , diverse-authors , meh , new-adult , hard-to-rate , a-little-unrealistic. Overall, I was really enjoying the read as I began. After a little while, though, I began to slowly lose interest until I realized that I didn't actually care about any of the characters in the story.

In an attempt to move past her first love, Miriam decides to give virtual dating a try since all of the college students were given a coupon for the dating service at the start of the year anyway.

Amazingly, much to both her surprise and perhaps targeting her lack of self-control in this case, Miriam soon finds out that one of her top three matches is none other than her ex-boyfriend. So, as any heartbroken girl might feel tempted to do, Miriam decides to try and convince her ex that they belong together by secretly dating him under a pseudonym and with a virtual reality avatar. Meanwhile, her number one match actually happens to be the guy she works with at the gym.

I really liked the idea of this story to begin with. It was cute, it was futuristic, and while I did feel certain I knew how the book would end I was right I was excited to give it a try. And to give credit where credit is due, Virtually Yours was off to a great start.

I was intrigued, I enjoyed getting to know the characters, and I really felt like this was a story I could see happening in the future. I even recall commenting on how much I loved it at the beginning. And, wonderfully, the book was culturally diverse, which I appreciated. I think it was just an excitement over the premise and the belief that the story would just keep getting better.

Unfortunately, Virtually Yours fizzled out about halfway through the novel and it had everything to do with the fact that none of the characters really seemed to have any chemistry with each other.

I just couldn't keep myself interested when I felt that there was very little reason, barring the fact that they had somehow held a relationship for two years, for Miriam to love the love interests and for them to love her.

I didn't like the relationship with Caleb as there was nothing about the pair that made me feel they worked as a couple. I didn't like the relationship with Jeremy at all, largely because it often felt like the only thing Miriam and Jeremy talked about was her relationship with Caleb.

It pretty much ruined it for me. There was no slow get to know you period, there were no moments where I felt that Miriam had genuine feelings for him and so all of the tension that was supposed to exist as a result of having feelings for him were present within the novel at all.

I couldn't bring myself to care about any of the supporting characters, either, as they all felt very flat, almost caricatures of their personality traits.

It was unfortunate, but I genuinely didn't feel like I got to know any of them well at all and several felt like there were solely there for plot purposes. And I hate when characters only exist to serve a plot purpose. And I think this book basically just fell really flat when it came to getting to know its characters and actually having its readers care about these characters. It's a real shame, I think, since I do genuinely believe that this book got off to an amazing start.

After a while, unfortunately, reading Virtually Yours simply felt more like a chore than anything else. I was provided a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

May 16, Lauren rated it it was ok Shelves: Her high school boyfriend of three years broke up with her, and she is ready to try out something new to get her mind off him.

So, Mariam does what any heartbroken teenager might consider - she chooses Caleb and concocts an avatar with a fake name that looks nothing like her, and asks Caleb on a virtual date.

The catfishing plot bothered me much more than I thought it would. It especially bothers me when the person being lied to comes to totally accept the lies and deception with very few questions asked. For a better version of how this story can go, see any spin on Cyrano de Bergerac. I thought it was fate! Her friends and family are also pretty complicit in this, which is a little gross. The chemistry between Mariam and Jeremy was really sweet and fun, but it was too few and far between to really ignite a love for the two characters together.

Honestly, I think this book could have been longer and drawn out the interactions between them more, making it more of a pining-on-both-sides story. It was a great way to make Mariam a more rounded character and to tell the story of a nonwhite female protagonist.

Yay for diversity in YA and romance! Overall, this was a solid story with an interesting premise; I could have gone for a little less catfishing and a little more fun and flirty romance.

Jun 05, Nicole M. Hewitt rated it really liked it Shelves: fiction-addiction-read. Or maybe both? Either way, it was definitely intriguing, and I knew I wanted to read this book. This book is actually less about the romance and more about Mariam finding herself apart from her boyfriend and her home and family. But, of course, I was invested in the romance as well.

And would kissing via VR be at all pleasant?? Still, overall, I found myself really enjoying this sweet story of self-discovery. And I was happy that Tash gave me the ending I was hoping for!! No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own. Dec 03, Georgia rated it it was ok Shelves: e-book , reads. Fluffy, predictable and an easy read. But then This book follows Mariam who she and Caleb decided to break up due to college and the distance.

Mariam is heartbroken and can't seem to get over him. She decides to try this online dating virtual reality thing, you have VR dates, idek. She has three potential matches one of them is Caleb, wow, shocker and she chooses him. She basically catfishes him and tries to Fluffy, predictable and an easy read. She basically catfishes him and tries to get him to re-fall in love with her. She uses a fake avatar, no photos and hides and distorts some information about herself.

All of that was sketchy and just not cool. Something I did like were the friendships here and a representation of college life and how hard it can actually be. Mariam makes friends with her roomie and her girlfriend, they watch old films together, bond and do typical New Yorker stuff. They all get to know each other and becomes this really awesome group.

Mariam seems to talk about herself a lot and her issues, it's really cool to see her realises his half way through the book and develop as a character. She starts asking more questions about her friends, really getting to know them and taking time away from all the Caleb drama. Meanwhile she is also reconnecting with her high school friend Rosie who said she changed when she and Caleb got together like friends were no longer important to her so she and Rosie drifted and lost touch.

It was nice to see them come back together and shared meaningful talks about college, the future and how it's okay to decide that what you thought you wanted to do you don't actually want to do. Something I thought was interesting is when Caleb is told Mariam is catfishing him, he does get mad they have distance and things start working with Jeremy. He tells her he likes her and there are so many moments full of tensions that could easily lead to something but don't as he understands she still has feelings for Caleb.

Caleb and Mariam do get back together, they talk all the time, use the online dating thing and Mariam is still there for her friends. She discovers she wants to go into work helping people and making a difference in social work, Caleb basically says she is too optimistic and sensitive and it won't be a good job for her and Mariam actually feels that she is this way in spite of everything that has happened she chooses to be this way ngl all that hit pretty hard.

He doesn't really support or understand her choices. Mariam kind of gets the idea that something isn't right in their relationship and realises Caleb was right from the start to call things off. It is later revealed that Jeremy went on a date with virtual Mariam so so weird and the VR dating thing is purposely messing up peoples irl dates and chances at love so they date virtually instead. Little freaked out as that could actually be possible though omg.

In the end Mariam gives the girl from the band she likes the okay to date Jeremy while she works on herself. Mariam is happy being single and does her own thing. Jeremy goes to Italy like he wanted but he and the band girl split. A while later Jeremy and Mariam get together because of course and they're both ready for something more this time. I did enjoy the representation in this from being Muslim, mexican and wlw very nice additions.

This book was average, nothing special about it and I won't remember it, I enjoyed it, like the development and of course was predictable. Jun 20, Emma rated it really liked it. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: It's always interesting to watch romance blend with other genres. Virtually Yours could be considered contemporary, in a way, because the only new technology seems to be virtual reality for dating, and VR already exists.

However, it didn't quite feel like to me. I really liked how the author built Mariam's family and friends. Her family felt fully-formed, and I liked that Mariam had her roommate, as well as the friend from home that she needed to repair things with. There was a scene later in the book, where Mariam goes home for a belated Eid lunch with her parents and siblings, and it felt so lovely to me.

It helped build the world and breath I want to say humanity Virtually Yours is pretty much a love triangle story, and I definitely rooted for Jeremy more just because I could see how blah Caleb was. Often in stories like this, the older option is never the better one, just because of how characters grow throughout the story. There's a break-up scene, and it honestly felt like it needed more build-up in the moment. It was too rushed with not enough fallout.

Content warning: catfishing of sorts , swearing, references to sleeping together The Verdict: Worth a read. Jun 04, Ashley rated it liked it. It was just released on June 4th. I liked it a lot and breezed through it. I liked the characters and all of the new friendships.

I liked the relationship Mariam had with her siblings and I liked the Iranian culture that was included in the s I received an ARC of Virtually Yours from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I liked the relationship Mariam had with her siblings and I liked the Iranian culture that was included in the story as well. I thought the virtual dating service was pretty interesting with the virtual reality dates. It also got a little creepy at times with how much the AI system knew about you. Throughout most of the story Mariam is trying to get back with her ex-boyfriend Caleb so she jumped at the chance when he was chosen as one of her matches on the app.

Overall, I thought Virtually Yours was a fun, cute, and quick read. I liked the characters, friendships, and family dynamic.

Apr 28, Brittney rated it did not like it. DNF- at 52 percent I will be reviewing this because I did read over half of this book and I did skip around some after the halfway point to see if I wanted to try to finish. Mariam feels pressured to find a new relationship that will be more successful than her previous one that ended in unexpected heartbreak.

Mariam is still pining over her ex-boyfriend Caleb, who is now living halfway across the country. When Mariam decides to seek help in having a more successful relationship, she decides to try a virtual dating company. Mariam must go directly to the company to make her potential matches. Unexpectedly Mariam finds herself able to rekindle her relationship with Caleb as they are matched together, but trouble ensues as she must remain anonymous to maintain this new connection.

The writing was not great but it was entertaining enough to continue on. The plot for this novel is so unreasonable and extreme to the point that it just makes it all in good humor. I knew the plot was unreasonable going in, but I thought it all would be better made and cute.

As I read on, I am not sure if that is the case or not. The questionnaire for the matching was so off topic at times and read as satirical to me so I kind of enjoyed it. It is so unbelievable for this character to matched with her ex-boyfriend as well as her new co-worker.

I still did not mind this inclusion at first because it was humorous in the beginning. If it is satirical then I can greatly appreciate the beginning at least. If not, yikes. I also appreciate the diversity of the characters.

While this is not explored too much from what I have read, skin color is mentioned as well as some inclusion of culture.

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