Is there an Easter egg in nuketown zombies? Tags: nuketown black ops 2 ps3. Share Tweet Pin Next Post Who made attack on Avengers? Related Posts. Does Torchlight 2 have local co-op? Where is the Sith base on manaan?
Does Hazy Maze Cave have coins? Next Post. Discussion about this post. Ray Gun. Monkey Bomb. Juggernog - points. Quick Revive - points points on Solo. Speed Cola - points. Double Tap Root Beer - points. Overhead view of Nuketown Zombies. The alternate version of the Nuketown Zombies loading screen from the first issue of the Zombies comicbook series. The mushroom cloud left from the original nuke explosion.
Player firing an M pistol. Universal Conquest Wiki. M Knife Fragmentation Grenades. Playable Characters. Non-Playable Characters. Quest Items. Wonder Weapons. Musical Easter Eggs and Soundtracks. Areas within Maps. Unfortunately, Onslaught is only available on PlayStation and won't be available on other consoles until November Where DieMaschine will have players warping back and forth between the Dark Aether, finding hidden weapons, and pack-a-punching their weapons , Zombie Onslaught is more focused on pure survival.
Zombie Onslaught still works in a similar wave-based format. Players must stay inside a safe area to avoid taking damage. The safe area will move around the map, similar to how the final circle works in Call of Duty: Warzone. Every couple of 'rounds' players will have to take down an elite Megaton Zombie to find new weapons, perks, and killstreaks. The game is a little slow to start but really ramps up after the 2nd round of elites.
There are a handful of in-game rewards and trophies that players can earn through Zombie Onslaught. Before trying to hop into the Zombies Onslaught mode, it's worth mentioning that it won't be available on PC until November This is due to a Sony exclusivity deal, so only PlayStation players can hop in and play for now.
Getting into the Zombies match on the Nuketown map only takes a few moments. Navigate to the Zombies menu and choose Zombies Onslaught to select the mode. You can then choose the Nuketown '84 map option. There are even a few blueprints to earn while slaying hordes of enemies on this map. What's even better is that you can test your skills in Zombies Onslaught with a friend as it supports up to two players. There are currently three blueprints to unlock in the Nuketown Zombies Onslaught mode.