But despite the taboo, toilet reading remains stubbornly popular. What gives? Should toilet readers yield to the call of decency and hygiene, and give up their troublesome habit? Or should they read on without shame? He argued in that light reading of the sort that toilet readers prefer — few tackle modernist novels, after all — is essentially infantile. Fanciful ideas about the unconscious meanings of toilet reading aside, there is no evidence that its practitioners are abnormal.
Studies consistently show that large fractions of humanity admit to reading in the bathroom, especially when reading on digital devices is included. Toilet reading is normal, not the preserve of an unbalanced fringe.
But what about the medical implications of toilet reading? It has been argued that toilet reading produces hemorrhoids by increasing the time spent seated and straining. The same study of Israeli adults found that although time spent on the toilet was associated with having hemorrhoids, toilet readers were no more likely to have them than non-readers. Indeed, toilet readers were less constipated than their non-reader peers.
But perhaps toilet reading endangers our health via contamination instead. Bathrooms are often viewed as microbial greenhouses, and reading materials might be vectors for the transmission of nasty infections.
Although it is certainly true that toilets pose some infectious risk, that risk is often exaggerated. A study of microbe hotspots in the home shows that bathrooms come a distant second to kitchens in microbial density. Toilet seat and handles, and bathroom faucet handles and doorknobs, all had lower counts of bacteria and mold than kitchen sinks, countertops, stove knobs, coffee reservoirs and, most revolting of all, dish sponges.
Who knows how many people pick them up after you…. It is also advisable to think about where you take the book to from the toilet. You carry bacteria from it everywhere with you.
For example, to your bed. And if you belong to those who are falling asleep while reading, you may have often found yourself with a book landing on your face … If you use a toilet paper sheet as a bookmark, ask yourself: Did you put it in a book after you have washed your hands or while sitting on the toilet?
The second option, right? Reading is not a short-term matter. Hiding in the toilet from your children, perhaps with a good book, is familiar to almost every mother.
This way you will avoid accidents that are most common in households. We would like to advise you to listen to your audiobook on your smartphone or list through a magazine on the toilet. But the truth is that bacteria do not choose their new location. You even have a lot more on your phone as you carry it with you everywhere. Tip for you: If you want to have an original toilet, try wallpapering the walls.
You can use book pages, a collection of poems, short stories, newspapers or magazines … But keep in mind that such walls will not be cleaned as easily as those made of ceramic tiles. Finally, we have a real treat for you.
Yes, it exists. Book dealers know how to use this period effectively and offer their customers a variety of discounts, competitions, and book sales. MENU Toggle navigation. Reasons to read books … 1. Expand vocabulary In particular, reading on a regular basis is recommended for people who make their living by speaking. Train your memory Books make you think more. Improves improvisation Imagination is probably the most powerful weapon of books.
The link between sitting on the toilet and erm, straining too long, can cause haemorrhoids. What are haemorrhoids I hear you ask? Well, here is a link to what they are on the NHS website.
In short, bad effing news on the taking your time front. So best untuck that newspaper from under your arm next time you head to your very own porcelain throne. But y'all, let's be real it's and the real reading going on is not the classics. It is not the latest hard hitting journalism from your favourite news source. You are not filling up your mental cup with information from the big bad world.
Nope, you are scrolling through flipping social media like an absolute twit. Yep, a survey from U.