We can assume her birthdate is somewhere around , making her about 30 years old today. Like most Hollywood actors, the bulk of his earnings have come from his various film projects.
He also reportedly owns an estate in New Jersey. We can safely assume that Pesci will remain mostly retired. That is unless his good friends and creative partners Scorcese and De Niro call him in on a special project. Pesci has actually been officially retired since , just accepting a few offers over the last twenty years.
The Modest Man staff writers are experts in men's lifestyle who love teaching guys how to live their best lives. Subscribe Now Reader Interactions Comments I have family who went to school with him, and who also went to the same high school as him. Your email address will not be published.
Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer. Read on to learn everything you want to know about the beloved short actor.
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Best Supporting Actor Won award for " Goodfellas ". She is an …. Claudia Haro was born as Claudia Martha Haro. She was previously married to Garrett Warren and Joe Pesci. You lose an inch or so of height every 10 years after 40,I read on an orthopedic website. So while 5'3 may be right now,5'4 could be very accurate. I always assumed he was 5'4 range peak but nothing over.
In Raging Bull he looks to be 5'4 frankly. I don't think he's quite as small as Marty. Robert De Niro can pull off looking a solid 6 or 7 inches taller than both guys. Click Here Do you see much of a difference? He looked near Jet Li in their pics. I don't know how many inches there could be between the two but Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon looks short, maybe in boots and flat this is only my opinion. There are few scenes in the Lethal Weapon saga in which his barefoot Gibson and the cam always films him form below to make him look taller.
I'm not an expert of height comparisons though so cannot judge with extreme certainty. When he was younger he would have been nearly 5ft 4. You'd be as rich as a casino in no time with him around for every time he swears! Looks 5'3" range in Casino I think. He often looks 6 inches shorter than De Niro, other times can seem more like 5. Some of the shortest ones I saw with back trouble though granted I doubt were much over 5 ft but certainly 5 ft is a very common height for old guys in southern Italy and Pesci and Scorsese would fit it right away.
I don't know if you've ever been Rob but if you ever do go walk through some of the villages in the south and you'll be amazed at the height of the old men who congregate in the village centres outside shops!!
Not all are that short and some are 5''9" but it is rare to see an older guy over 5'10" in southern Italy! He looks crazy short in it and look at his footwear, looks rather clumpy and suspicious, although Scorsese also looks like he could be packing Simon Cowell like stacks into his shoes and resorting to the old bootleg Cowell tricks to cover them up in that photo.
Pesci looks even shorter than this in that photo. He does look 5'3" in Goodfellas. I think he is a bit taller, but he could very well be a guy at times wearing elevator shoes I'd be surprised if he didn't. His personality in that film reminds me of a couple of short guys I've met in clubs! I think he looks more 5 ft 4 than 5 ft 3 in comparison. Obviously Pesci will have lost at least a bit at his age, so he could easily be closer to 5'2 now, but no need for a peak height listing since he isn't all that active now and is more one of those legendary actors.
Click Here Click Here. Joe would have been 48 or 49 at that time. Rob was not the 5'5" he claimed for himself either, so what did that make Joe Pesci? Short and even shorter now 20 years later. Stern is 6'4", a foot taller than Pesci. They together made a classic "short and tall" comic duo. He was only up to that guy's shoulder. His partner in crime. That guy must be cm. Not even close to 5 foot 5. Great actor but he has to be one of the shortest actors in history not including mini me and tony cox.
Has he ever done a movie with danny devito who is 4 foot 10? That would be interesting. No where near 5 foot 7 like someone below claimed. I can buy cm. I even said you're a cool guy and he laughed and we almost kissed. Like in leathal weapon 2 to my cousin vinny. And they are both short guys about the same size so They had nothing to do with each other after that. Even though he suspiciously came back to Michael's life just 3 months before his death. And I definitely think Joe Pesci is more like 5'2 or 5'3.
And so do most people. In Moonwalker for example he wears these shoes with huge heels! Sure he looks a bit taller in them but I doubt he's as tall as 5'4 without those heels. Seems like this place has everyones heigth with their shoes ON!
I very much like to think of actual height wthout the shoes on thank you very much. For example I'm only 5'6 about cm but with the right kind of shoes I can easily look close to 5'9. Frank like you said was his manager and Michael hired him before he died.. So I think Joe Pesci must be only 5'2 or something. He can be pretty intimidating for such a short guy though! Definitely NOT 5'4!
Jackson Stacks is his name in the film. When he exits the door, you can briefly see a massive 3" Cuban heel on his shoes. You can also see his heels when he leaves his mother's house to become a made man. Basically any master shot you can see his 3" heels. Maybe shorter today. He is about 5'6",in good shape for his size.
Smart and talented,accomplished drummer and storyteller. If he isn't seen,its because he's sick of the celebrity BS,surrounding him. Likable guy,a mans man,he could date your sister,and you'd be alright with that. Perfectly normal height in Italy. What makes him look super short in his movies is that people compare Pesci to the average man 5'10" , and of course he looks much shorter, but if you look at Joe next to the average woman 5'5" he will look about the same height ignore heels though.
Look at his movies, Pesci is much shorter than the men but about the same height as the women, thus making him around 5'4" give or take an inch. He seems like a smart guy, but not 5ft4. He looks maybe 5ft I can't buy more than 5'2" - 5'3" absolute max.
I think Pesci owns every scene he's ever in. He is reported to be incredibly quick witted and highly intelligent. He's in Dudley Moore territory I think. I actually think all 4 I mentioned are scene stealers and likely all pretty intelligent too. They were nearly identical in height.
I have a hard time even buying 5'4" for his morning height in his prime.